

タイトル NII Institutional Repositories Program (NII-IRP): Challenges and new horizons toward the third period.
カテゴリ 研究論文
概要 Abstract:
Since FY 2005 NII has carried out the Institutional Repositories Program through joint projects with universities and other academic institutions. Here, we review the changes in Japanese academic policies to date as well as the developments of IRP and issues faced up to FY 2009 as a basis for considering the basic policies for the third period projects to be implemented through FY 2010-2012. We also consider the changes in the expected roles of university libraries.
NII学術機関リポジトリ構築連携支援事業--最先端技術学術情報基盤整備(CSI)第3期に向けた課題と展望 (特集 機関リポジトリ)
杉田 いづみ
日本農学図書館協議会誌 (158) 2-6 2010年6月
タイトル What is “Institutional Repository”? - Experiences as a person in charge of NII and university -
カテゴリ 研究論文
概要 1. Introduction
At the end of November 2007, Open DOAR1, a global directory of institutional repositories (hereinafter “IRs”) announced that the number of its registrants exceeded one thousand. At this time, Japanese IRs registered in OpenDOAR counted 66, which was 4th after US, Germany and England (see figure 1).
In recent years, we often hear active discussion related to IRs particularly in university settings2, and increasingly more IRs seem to be constructed and launched. Well then, what is an institutional repository? I used to be a member of an IR development team in a university, and currently, I am in charge of supporting IR development as a staff member of the National Institute of Informatics (NII). Based on these experiences and standpoint, here, I would like to explain the benefits of IR and the role of the library. I hope this would be of some help for those who are going to be involved in an IR in the future.
杉田 いづみ
日本農学図書館協議会誌 (149) 10-18 2008年3月