Sep, 2017 - Present
Shusuke Otabe
(小田部 秀介)
Modified on: 2024/09/16
Professional Memberships
Researchers belonging to "The Mathematical Society of Japan"
- The University of TokyoThe Graduate School of Information Science and Technology Department of Information Physics and Computing
- National Institute of Technology (KOSEN), Gunma CollegeGeneral Education (Natural Science) Assistant Professor
- Kyoto UniversityInstitute for the Advanced Study of Human Biology (ASHBi) Program Specific Researcher
- Chuo UniversityFaculty of Science and Engineering Specially Appointed Associate Professor
- University of California, San DiegoDepartment of Mathematics JSPS Overseas Fellowship, Postdoctoral Fellow
- Seikei UniversityFaculty of Science and Technology Department of Science and Technology Assistant Professor
- National Institute of Technology, Suzuka CollegeDepertment of General Education Assistant professor
- RIKENInterdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program Special Postdoctoral Researcher