
招待有り 国際会議

Globalization and Human QOL Convergence in the Asia-Pacific

Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Meeting, Philadelphia
  • Jeet,Bahadur Sapkota

Association for Asian Studies (AAS): http://www.asian-studies.org/absts/2010abst/abstract.asp?panel=250&year=2010&code=2&area=Japan
Unite States of America Philadelphia

The impact of globalization on human quality of life (QOL) is an issue heatedly debated by academics, policy makers, private sectors, social organizations and even by the general public in Asia, as elsewhere. This paper examines whether human QOL in the Asian countries is converging (or diverging), and assesses the impact of globalization on QOL trends in the region. Using panel data of selected countries from 1975 to 2005 over five-year intervals, and applying the dynamic panel data model, the study finds that human QOL of most countries in the region is moving closer to that in Japan (the benchmark country of this study) and that globalization has significant impacts on this convergence. More specifically, overall indicators of human QOL, measured by the human development index (HDI), is converging and the overall as well as economic, social and political indicators of globalization are highly significant in this convergence process. Similarly, a disaggregated analysis of the sub-constructs of HDI shows that health and education indicators are also converging and globalization has a significant impact on the convergence process. Although the income aspect of QOL is found divergin