

タイトル A Preliminary Note on a “Referential Anaphor”, ZIBUN
カテゴリ その他
概要 Eiichi Iwasaki. 2014. A Preliminary Note on a “Referential Anaphor”, ZIBUN. Unpublished Manuscript.
Abstract: As Shirahata (2006) argues, ZIBUN allows both long distance binding and local binding, and this short note is an attempt to solve this dilemma. In this note, I propose that ZIBUN has both anaphor and pronoun properties: that is, a “referential” anaphor. Shirahata (ibid.: 59-60) is self-inconsistent in that while he explains that one of the conditions for α binding β is that α and β have the same φ-features, he (ibid.) also claims that ZIBUN in Japanese does not have any φ-features but nevertheless it is a bound expression. In order to avoid this inconsistency, I alternatively propose that ZIBUN is not a bound expression in the existing framework of the Binding Principles. Postulating that ZIBUN is a referential anaphor successfully avoids Shirahata’s self-inconsistency, on the grounds that ZIBUN and its antecedent are semantically equivalent by virtue of the fact that both refer to the same referent, not because of the same φ-features. In this note, I test this referential anaphor hypothesis in the light of some Japanese sentences, leaving any further in-depth discussion to future research.
Keywords: Anaphor, Anaphora, Binding, Reference, Coreference, Japanese, Syntax, Semantics
【誤】Shirahata (2007)
【正】Shirahata (2006)
タイトル “The + 複数名詞”が変項名詞句になる場合のノート
カテゴリ その他
概要 非公刊原稿(ノート)
キーワード: 定冠詞、複数名詞、変項名詞句、変項、指示、数機能