Research Projects

Jun, 2017 - Mar, 2020


Japan Society of for the Promotion of Science  Challenging Research (Exploratory)  Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Exploratory)

Grant number
Japan Grant Number (JGN)
Principal investigator
Grant amount
6,370,000 Japanese Yen
(Direct funding)
4,900,000 Japanese Yen
(Indirect funding)
1,470,000 Japanese Yen
Grant type

One of the major unresolved questions in human haptic fine surface texture perception is how the human detect the micro surface changes using their fingertip. During the current research project, we addressed this question by developing a new device to observe the real-time fingerprint vibration when one touches the micro surface. We further investigated the relationship between the fingerprint vibration pattern and surface perception. Finally, for the first time, we investigated the columnar organization in the human primary somatosensory cortex (SI) by using advanced high-resolution (0.7mm) fMRI at 7T. We find that human SI is columnar organized with alternating SA and RA columnar preferences. We regard these observations as an essential step towards the understanding of the human haptic micro surface perception.

Link information
ID information
  • Grant number : 17K18855
  • Japan Grant Number (JGN) : JP17K18855