

タイトル Fortran codes of BA-GMRES method preconditioned by the NR-SOR inner iterations
カテゴリ 研究データ
概要 These codes were moved to and are now maintained in https://github.com/morikuni-keiichi/BA-NRSOR_F90 .


The BA-GMRES method preconditioned by the NR-SOR inner iterations for solving linear least squares problems including the rank-deficient case is implemented in Fortran 90/95.

Please provide feedback if you have any questions or suggestions.
morikuni @ cs.tsukuba.ac.jp

[1] Morikuni, K. and Hayami, K., Inner-iteration Krylov subspace methods for least squares problems, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Volume 34, Number 1, pages 1-22, 2013.
[2] Morikuni, K. and Hayami, K., Convergence of inner-iteration GMRES methods for rank-deficient least squares problems, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Volume 36, Number 1, pages 225-250, 2015.

Last update January 28, 2015
タイトル Fortran codes of AB-GMRES method preconditioned by the NE-SOR inner iterations
カテゴリ 研究データ
概要 These codes were moved to and are now maintained in https://github.com/morikuni-keiichi/AB-NESOR_F90 .


The AB-GMRES method preconditioned by the NE-SOR inner iterations for solving linear systems of equations including the rank-deficient case is implemented in Fortran 90/95. This method determines the minimum-norm solution.

Please provide feedback if you have any questions or suggestions.
morikuni @ cs.tsukuba.ac.jp

[1] Morikuni, K. and Hayami, K., Convergence of inner-iteration GMRES methods for rank-deficient least squares problems, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Volume 36, Number 1, pages 225-250, 2015.

Last update January 28, 2015
タイトル C codes of BA-GMRES method preconditioned by the NR-SOR inner iterations
カテゴリ 研究データ
概要 The BA-GMRES method preconditioned by the NR-SOR inner iterations for solving linear least squares problems including the rank-deficient case is implemented in C.

Please provide feedback if you have any questions or suggestions.
morikuni @ cs.tsukuba.ac.jp

[1] Morikuni, K. and Hayami, K., Inner-iteration Krylov subspace methods for least squares problems, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Volume 34, Number 1, pages 1-22, 2013.
[2] Morikuni, K. and Hayami, K., Convergence of inner-iteration GMRES methods for rank-deficient least squares problems, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Volume 36, Number 1, pages 225-250, 2015.

Last update November 19, 2014
タイトル Matlab-MEX codes of BA-GMRES method preconditioned by the NR-SOR inner iterations
カテゴリ 研究データ
概要 The BA-GMRES method preconditioned by the NR-SOR inner iterations for solving linear least squares problems including the rank-deficient case is implemented in C for Matlab-MEX.

Please provide feedback if you have any questions or suggestions.
morikuni @ cs.tsukuba.ac.jp

[1] Morikuni, K. and Hayami, K., Inner-iteration Krylov subspace methods for least squares problems, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Volume 34, Number 1, pages 1-22, 2013.
[2] Morikuni, K. and Hayami, K., Convergence of inner-iteration GMRES methods for rank-deficient least squares problems, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Volume 36, Number 1, pages 225-250, 2015.

Last update March 14, 2015
タイトル Matlab-MEX codes of AB-GMRES method preconditioned by the NE-SOR inner iterations
カテゴリ 研究データ
概要 The AB-GMRES method preconditioned by the NE-SOR inner iterations for solving linear systems of equations including the rank-deficient case is implemented in C for Matlab-MEX. This method determines the minimum-norm solution.

Please provide feedback if you have any questions or suggestions.
morikuni @ cs.tsukuba.ac.jp

[1] Morikuni, K. and Hayami, K., Convergence of inner-iteration GMRES methods for rank-deficient least squares problems, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Volume 36, Number 1, pages 225-250, 2015.

Last update March 14, 2015