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  • Jan, 2024
    Abstract: To examine the nature of death and dying in an ageing society on a global scale from an ethical perspective, this paper summarises empirical data from public attitude surveys and previous research conducted in Japan and other countries to provide a basis for examining what older people and people at the end of life feel is a burden to others (family and society), and how this awareness of being a burden to others affects clinical practice and legal policy. This report summarises empirical data from public attitude surveys and previous research conducted in Japan and other countries as a basis for examining the impact of this sense of being a burden on others on clinical practice and legal policy. It can be said that several Japanese attitudinal surveys suggest that the awareness of 'not wanting to be a burden on others' may have an impact on where people receive care, especially at the end of life, and where they wish to spend their final days. Most previous surveys of attitudes have targeted the general public and bereaved families. These surveys have shed some light on whether patients (and potential patients) think they are (or would be) a burden on their families. On the other hand, it is not clear how family members perceived the situation, whether they thought they were (or would be) a burden, or whether the patient's wishes coincided with the family's perceptions. The challenge is how to help patients realise their own wishes and reduce their sense of being a 'nuisance' to the family members who support them. The mental and physical burden on both patients and their families needs to be reduced. To achieve this, various aspects need to be considered, such as the national system, public support from local authorities, care support from private organisations and people's awareness. In particular, the current legislation on health care, long-term care and social care and the policies based on it need to be improved.
  • 2022 - 2023
    The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage the research activities in the eligible programs by supporting the tuition of graduate students who have achieved excellence in their field of research. There are three types of scholarships (KENKYU-SHOREI S,A,B).
  • 2021 - 2022
    The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage the research activities in the eligible programs by supporting the tuition of graduate students who have achieved excellence in their field of research. There are three types of scholarships (KENKYU-SHOREI S,A,B).
  • Nov, 2021 In recent years, particularly since the late 2000s, euthanasia legislation has been enacted in several countries, including some European countries and some countries and territories in North America and the Pacific. Globally, however, euthanasia is legal in only a small number of countries. In most countries and territories, including Japan, all forms of euthanasia are or may be illegal. Some countries and regions allow euthanasia not only for their citizens but also for foreigners. In Switzerland, for example, several organisations offer euthanasia (in the Swiss case, physician-assisted suicide) to foreigners, and several Japanese or Japanese residents have died. This report does not take a position either for or against euthanasia but focuses only on objective data and facts. It is divided into three categories: Countries and regions that allow only physician-assisted suicide or assisted dying. Countries and regions that allow only active euthanasia. Countries and regions that allow both. An overview of the statistical data (annual trends in the number of deaths, sex ratio, educational background, breakdown of diseases, end-of-life concerns, if any are published), 5. URLs of administrative documents.
  • 62
    Mar, 2020
    Dr Chao Fang and Miho Tanaka England and Japan are confronted with unprecedented challenges and opportunities in the face of population ageing and changing expectations about death and dying, which place heavy demands on health and social care systems. In the past 12 months, Dr Chao Fang and Ms Miho Tanaka have worked jointly to explore policy discourses regarding end of life care between England and Japan. An in-depth analysis has been undertaken to compare a set of key policy documents and legislation implemented and enacted in both countries. This policy brief summarises key findings from the analysis to report the commonalities and differences of end of life care, decision-making and bereavement support. Four key messages have been identified: 1) emphasising individualised care and support 2) improving care access and inclusion 3) supporting informal carers and family members 4) promoting integrated and holistic approaches The policy brief aims to be valuable for academics, policy-makers, practitioners, as well as the general public. It paints a comparative picture of end of life care policies and laws between the two post-industrial and rapidly ageing societies. This comparison enables mutual understanding, aiming to inform and reshape future policy-making and legislation in both countries.
  • Aug, 2018 - Aug, 2018
    田中美穂, 児玉聡. シノドス. 2018年8月31日.
  • Feb, 2018 - Feb, 2018
    田中美穂. 日医総研ワーキングペーパーNo.402. 2018年2月.