

投稿日時: 2020/04/24 島田 剛



The status of the COVID19 in ASEAN (as of May 25th, 2020)



Data related to the new coronavirus is from the Johns Hopkins University database and population data from the World Bank's WDI



1. 累積の感染者数

1. Cumulative number of infections


The infection is spreading in Singapore, followed by Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia.

(Source: Shimada 2020, based on the data from Johns Hopkins University and World Development Indicators)



2. 人口百万人あたりの累積の感染者数 

2. Cumulative number of infections per million population


In this figure, the cumulative number of infected people per million population is shown in tables. In terms of population, Singapore is by far the most widespread country in ASEAN.  

(Source: Shimada 2020, based on the data from Johns Hopkins University and World Development Indicators) 




3. 死者数、Number of deaths 


The number of deaths is high in Indonesia and the Philippines.The number is also gradually increasing in Malaysia and Thailand.

(Source: Shimada 2020, based on the data from Johns Hopkins University and World Development Indicators) 



4. 人口百万人あたりの累積の死者数 

4. Cumulative number of deaths per million population


According to the cumulative number of deaths per million people, the Philippines is the largest country, followed by Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia.

(Source: Shimada 2020, based on the data from Johns Hopkins University and World Development Indicators)  



5. 国別の累計感染者数の増加率

5. Rate of increase in the cumulative number of infected people by country

国別の累積感染者の増加ペースを見てみる。縦軸は累計感染者数を示す。縦軸は100, 1000と数が10倍ずつ増えていく「対数目盛り」にした。傾きが増加のペースを表す。垂直になるほど増加は早く、水平になるほど遅いことを意味をする。ここ数日、シンガポールの増加ペースがかなり早い。 

In the last few days, the pace of increase in Singapore has been quite fast.(Source: Shimada 2020, based on the data from Johns Hopkins University and World Development Indicators)