




"I have completed two years of writing the article series "Compassion" for the Christian Newspaper (Inochi no Kotoba Sha). I want to express my sincere gratitude to those who have read and commented on my articles.

I have also written similar articles for the monthly magazine "Inochi no Kotoba" (theme: "Weakness"), which was later published as a book titled "Yowasa no Mukoni Arumono" ("Beyond the Weakness") by the same publisher, as well as contributed to the Christian Newspaper's "RONDAN" ("Editor's Panel").

This period has been particularly challenging due to my official duties at the university, church work, and commitments to other research papers and books. Despite these challenges, I am pleased to have completed the manuscript. I have already received a request from a publishing company to publish it as a book.

I am eager to continue moving forward."






"Through a stroke of fate, I received a letter of appreciation from Hiroshima Carp's pitcher Tokoda, an autographed shikishi (a traditional Japanese square card) with my name, and a photo.

Our exchange began when I offered him encouragement during a time of frustration caused by an injury, just as he was poised for success after joining the Carp from college. Everyone needs encouragement, support, and prayers from those around them, especially during trials, more than when they are in the limelight. His attitude of constant gratitude is heartwarming!

Last year, he overcame his injury and made a remarkable comeback. I expect him to succeed even more this year as a left-handed ace.

The word 'Enishi' (fate) is beautiful and evocative."



 カナダ人宣教師とし戦前から戦後、日本に仕えて生涯を捧げて下さったバット博士(Dr. Geroge Ernest Bott, 1873-1951)の「信仰、希望、愛」と祈りが今も息づいているのでしょう。バット博士は、戦後直後の焼け野原となった日本の復興に大きな役割を果たしたララ物資(「アジア救援公認団体」(Licensed Agencies for Relief in Asia:LARA))の責任者でした。「自らを語らず、キリストを生きた」生涯を貫徹したゆえに、今日でも謎めいた人物でもあり、十分に資料がありません。これについても、施設側から私に宿題としてその人物の全貌解明を託されました。日本人に仕え、59歳で亡くなられた生涯について興味が沸きました。

 At the Dr. Bott Memorial Home, a children's home in Tokyo, I gave a message from the Bible as a training session for the staff. Everyone listened attentively to my message. The fellowship after lunch was a great learning experience for me as well. Since its establishment, all the staff members have been Christians, which is rare nowadays, and I could see how devoted they are to serving others.
 The facility is also innovative in its form. Usually, most children's homes in Japan consist of a large house and a tiny house on a single site. Still, instead of building a large building, they operate several "family houses," each consisting of a staff member and six children, dispersed in a neighboring area as if they were a family.
 The "faith, hope, love" and prayers of Dr. Geroge Ernest Bott (1873-1951), a Canadian missionary who devoted his life to serving Japan before and after World War II, are still alive today. Dr. Bott was in charge of Licensed Agencies for Relief in Asia (LARA), which significantly reconstructed postwar Japan, a burnt-out wilderness. Because he lived a life of "not speaking of himself, but of Christ," he remains an enigmatic figure and is poorly documented. The institution entrusted me with the task of uncovering the whole story of this man. I was interested to learn more about his life in the service of the Japanese people and his death at the age of 59.






Since today was the last day of the one-year graduate seminar, we had a lunch party at an Indian curry restaurant. It was a fun time. This year, one doctoral student and one master's student are leaving. Good job.

Since last year, I have been working on a strategy to "kick out" the doctoral students I supervise since there are too many of them, and they have not been able to complete their degrees. I have already sent out more than 15 doctoral students under my supervision. They are doing their best to follow in the footsteps of their seniors.

 Some are taking various "new steps this year," it was like a pep rally.



早朝、用事があって、今出川キャンパスの同志社礼拝堂の前を通ると、もう梅の花が咲いていました! 最近、忙しくて全然気づかないうちにこんなに綺麗に咲いているのには感動しました。雨も降っていたので雨に濡れる寒梅も、いとあわれなり!  





不争又不力(争はず また力(つと)めず)










 本井康博 (2007)『敢えて風雪を侵して 新島襄を語る』思文閣出版, 47頁

 和田洋一 (1974)『新島襄』 日本基督教団出版局,285頁


Early in the morning, I had some errands to run and passed by the Doshisha Chapel on the Imadegawa Campus. I found that the plum blossoms were already in bloom! I was impressed to see them blooming so beautifully while I had been so busy lately that I hadn't noticed them. It was raining, so the cold plum blossoms soaking in the rain were lovely! 

It reminded me of an example of a Chinese poem by Niijima Jo. This Chinese poem is said to be the last poem composed by Niijima Jo a few days before his death (1890.1) at a Japanese inn in Oiso after he fell ill on a trip at the age of 47. Nevertheless, in the expressions "without strife and without effort" and "smiling and letting the wind and snow invade the cold plum blossoms" in the face of illness and death, the poem seems to convey the mysterious peacefulness of leaving everything in the hands of God.

 (my translation)

“A single cold plum blossom is blooming in the garden.

Despite the harsh wind and snow, it seems to bloom with a smile.

It is not fighting with anyone, nor is it exerting itself.

But they are blooming naturally, ahead of all other flowers.“







I gave a Christmas message and praise performance at the Nishikyogoku Christian Assembly (Nishikyogoku Bible Room) in Kyoto. Many people came and listened to my poor message and my family's praise and performance. Thank you very much.

 As for me, this year I have finished all the messages at churches (meetings), welfare facilities, schools, various organizations, etc., which I have been giving continuously on weekends since November. It was hard to manage my physical condition amidst the hard work of the university, but everything was protected and celebrated. I thank God for His protection.

 This year, we were also happy to sing family praise with guitars and violins (Ministry Colt ). We will gladly go out again wherever "the Lord needs" to come in.

Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year to all of you. Have a good New Year. 

                               December 24, 2023


"For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord."And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger." Luke 2:11,12  NKJV




木原ゼミ4回生の学生たち、皆、卒論提出することができました。色々と苦労した学生もいましたが、本当に皆仲が良く、お互いサポートし合っていました。先月は、リトリートでゼミ合宿でがんばりました。昨日は学生たちだけで自主的にゼミ合宿をしたそうです。お疲れ様でした。 インドカレーで、お疲れ様会。 
All of the students in my seminar were able to submit their theses. Again, This year, the seminar members got along well and supported each other. Last month, they worked hard with me at the seminar camp at the retreat. Yesterday, they had a voluntary seminar camp with just the students. They worked very hard.
 A party with Indian curry to celebrate their hard work.








 I was invited to speak at the Christmas meeting of the Hiroshima Christian Assembly and gave a message. This church is an “old haunt” where our family gathered when we lived in Hiroshima from 1995 to 2000. At the special meeting, many seekers came and listened attentively to my poor message.

  Hiroshima is actually my hometown on my family register and home to the Carp, so it is truly my hometown. It had been a long time since I had met the people gathered here, but they welcomed me as warmly and intimately as they had in the past. I was deeply moved to see the children I used to play with at home, who have now grown up to be fine young men and women and are now playing a central role in supporting the meeting.

  The warm hospitality and welcome I received from everyone made me forget my formal position as a lecturer or messenger at the special meeting, and I felt as if I were a "son" returning home to my hometown and family after completing my mission.

  After the meeting, we talked about the events of the past few years over a late dinner of Hiroshima-yaki okonomiyaki, a mineral-rich dish. We thanked each other from the bottom of our hearts for the protection we have received until today. I almost missed the bullet train, but I was picked up at the station and made it home just in time.








 A workshop organized by the Japan Christian Social Work Alliance was held in Kyoto under the beautiful autumn leaves. I was allowed to give a keynote speech there, as I did last year. I spoke at length about the depths of the "desire for approval" for people today, based on the "Gaze of the Two Sisters of Mary and Martha" in the Bible (Gospel of Luke).

 The venue, Kansai Seminar House (located near Shugakuin and adjacent to Manju-in Temple), is a mountain villa famous for its tea ceremony room, Noh stage, and Japanese garden, and this year again the autumn foliage was magnificent. It is truly a wonderful place. I was very grateful that the staff of Christian welfare facilities and institutions gathered here from all over Japan listened to my message very attentively. The discussion session that followed was also very interesting, with questions flying around and deepening the discussion beyond the time limit. It was a time of learning, with some of the opinions that I also found enlightening. I was grateful for the interest of those who had never read the Bible before. It is truly a blessing to be away from the hustle and bustle of the city and to be in the beautiful autumn foliage of Kyoto, where we eat, sleep, study, worship, share the gospel, praise, pray, and fellowship with one another.

 Following yesterday's lecture at Omi Chiiroba Kai in Konan City, Shiga Prefecture, I drove west and east around the Keiji area, and although it was tiring, I found myself in good company and was taught and encouraged. Tomorrow, after the service at the church (assembly), I am scheduled to go to the Doshisha Retreat Center on the shore of Lake Biwa for a camp.






   I was invited by a social welfare corporation, Omi Chiiroba-kai(small colt), to give a message on Christianity from the Bible to their staff. Fifty staff members, 20 online participants, and residents of a nursing home (care house) attended and listened attentively.

 The late Pastor Toshio Ushirogu (brother-in-law of Pastor Yasuro Enomoto, "Chiiroba Sensei"), the pastor of Sekko Church, established this social welfare corporation in 1994 in Konan, Shiga Prefecture, at the age of 74.     

  30 years later, it has become familiar with the community and has established care houses, group homes for people with dementia, day care services, and a multi-purpose facility. The facility has a variety of welfare functions for the elderly, including a care house, a group home for people with dementia, day services, multifunctional services, in-home care services, and consultation services. There is a mission station on the second floor of the facility, and every Sunday there is a worship service, which is attended by people from the neighboring community as well as residents and users of the facility. Voluntary prayer meetings are also held among the residents voluntarily.

  One of the participants said, "As a Christian, I am blessed to have this place as my final home," and another said, "The staff is really warm and the facility is really wonderful. As for me, I was grateful to learn many things as a Christian social welfare practice.








夜には、皆でペテロの岩と名付けられた丘に登り、そこで琵琶湖畔の上の天体観察をしました。琵琶湖畔の上には街灯がなく、そのため星が浮き上がるようにくっきりと見えてパノラマのようで本当に綺麗でした。流れ星も見ました。学生たちの笑顔、琵琶湖の上に輝く天体の星の世界が、神様からのプレゼントのようでした。   (2023.11.20)


Doshisha Kihara Seminar held its fall seminar camp at the Doshisha Lake Biwa Retreat Center. We had not been able to hold this annual seminar camp due to the Corona disaster, but this was the first time in three years. We learned a lot, talked a lot, ate a lot, and deepened our friendship until midnight on the shore of Lake Biwa in autumn.

The 3rd year seminar members worked hard together on their joint research for presentation at the conference, and the 4th year seminar members stimulated each other to write their graduation theses. Some of us stayed up all night, but I couldn't stay up until the end, so I retired to my room after midnight.

 This year, we also held worship services in the chapel. I brought my guitar and was accompanied by Mr. J. Lee, a graduate student who participated as a TA, on the piano, and we all praised God.

 Personally, this November has been a very busy month for me, with lectures, research, and administrative work at the university, as well as my own academic societies, lectures, national councils, church-related activities, and so on.

  In the evening, we all climbed up the hill named Peter's Rock to observe the celestial bodies above the shore of Lake Biwa. There were no streetlights on the shore of Lake Biwa, so the stars seemed to float in the sky like a panorama, and it was really beautiful. We also saw shooting stars. The smiling faces of the students and the world of celestial stars shining above Lake Biwa were like a gift from God.   (2023.11.20)












My turtles went into hibernation.

 They slowly went underground.

I suddenly felt lonely.

 I even remembered the time I broke up with someone I loved.

 I stroked the dirt over and over again.

 Until we meet again.

 Praying that we will meet again when the cherry blossoms bloom.








I have been in Atami since yesterday. I wish it were a private hot spring trip, but I have been invited to give a lecture at the Christian Social Welfare Seminar of the Tokai Diocese of the Japan Christian Association.


 Yesterday afternoon, after the opening service at Atami Church, I gave a keynote speech titled "The Eyes of Jesus" from the Gospels, which was listened to enthusiastically by all the participants.

After the discussion session and dinner, pastors mainly from the Tokai area gathered for an evening fellowship and had a fruitful exchange of opinions. We stayed at a nearby onsen ryokan for private use, and we spent the whole day discussing how the church should be in the community, difficult cases of pastoral care, the elderly and the church, the disabled and the church, how the church should practice welfare services, and so on, while bathing in the onsen, in the morning, and after dinner. I spoke harshly about the current situation in which churches are not responding to the suffering of minorities and the needs of the local community, and I pretended to be a "prophet," but I was impressed by the sincerity with which the pastors constructively accepted the situation as their own.

 I had only thought of Atami as something to pass by on the Shinkansen and something to look at, and in fact, this may have been the first time I stayed overnight there, but I returned home feeling grateful that I was given good fellowship in Christ and that I was able to fulfill my mission in this place.





 ACUCAの会議では、韓国、中国、台湾、タイ、インド、インドネシア、フィリピンなどアジアの国や地域のキリスト教主義大学の学長・代表者をはじめ関係者が韓国の都市太ある韓南大学に集まり、3日間にわたって、今回の25回大会は”Innovation and Spirituality”をテーマにキリスト教がそれにいかにかかわるのかをテーマに白熱した議論を交わしました。

開会礼拝で、「やすけさは川のごとし」(It is well with my soul)を一堂で賛美しましたが、礼拝堂に高らかに響く賛美が印象的でした。私も日本の大学を代表して「信仰、希望、愛」についてメッセージを届け、議論に参加させていただきました。コロナ禍で傷ついた社会に対してキリスト教のミッション、なども議論しました。ACUCAでは公用語はすべて英語ですが朝から晩までアジア諸国の参加者と一緒に議論し、交わり、そして食事も堪能しました。日本のクリスチャン人口1%未満という少なさの謎についてしばしば尋ねられました。

 最終日は、参加者で全州(Jeonju Hanok Village)を訪問し、韓国の文化を体験するツアーに出かけ、民族衣装を着せてもらうなどの文化体験をしました。そして韓南大学学長から晩餐会の招待を受け、イタリア料理をいただきました。




ヨハネの福音書 21章6節


I am here in Daejon, Korea for the 25th ACUCA (Association of Christian Universities and colleagues in Asia) conference (general meeting and board meeting). The day before the conference, Doshisha University's international student alumni gathered for a welcome party for me. They took me to an authentic Korean barbeque and tea restaurant. This was exceptional and delicious! Thank you.

 At the ACUCA conference, presidents and representatives of Christian universities from Korea, China, Taiwan, Thailand, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, and other Asian countries and regions gathered at Hannam University in the Korean city of Daejon for a three-day conference on "Innovation and Spirituality" for the 25th conference. Innovation and Spirituality" and had heated discussions on the theme of how Christianity is involved in this.

In the opening worship service, we sang "It is well with my soul" (Yasukesa wa kawa no gotoshi) in unison, and it was impressive to hear the praise echoing high in the chapel. I also delivered a message on "Faith, Hope, and Love" on behalf of the Japanese university and participated in the discussion. Although the official language of ACUCA is English, I had a great time of discussion, fellowship, and food with the Asian participants from morning to night. We were often asked about the mystery of Japan's small Christian population (less than 1%).

On the last day, participants visited Jeonju Hanok Village for a tour of Korean culture, including a chance to dress up in traditional costumes. They were then invited to a dinner party by the president of Hannam University, where they were served Italian cuisine.

 By the way, this ACUCA convention is attracting more attention from around the world than I had imagined, and KBS (Korea's public broadcaster like NHK in Japan) and several other major media, were there to cover the event. I received an immediate call from a Korean alumni who happened to see the broadcast. Dear Koreans, I apologize for surprising you!

I am now going back to Japan after 10 days in Tokyo, Kyoto, and Korea, and I am thankful for the opportunity to talk, pray, praise, and discuss with people from different environments in Asian countries. I also received many souvenirs from many people, and  I am still trying to figure out how to carry them in our suitcases. It reminded me of Peter's feeling when he met Jesus on Lake Galilee and experienced a great catch of fish, but wondered how he would carry it all.
"Jesus said to them. 'Cast your nets on the right side of the boat. Then you will catch it." So they struck the net. And they could no longer haul in their nets because of the great number of fish."


John 21:6







I am on a business trip to Tokyo, on the Shinkansen bullet train. It is to participate in the Japan Society of Social Welfare at Musashino University. At this conference, an international symposium will be held, where research presentations will be made from each country. As a former president of the society, I will be speaking there as a representative of the Japanese side.
 After returning from this trip, I will lecture at a university on Monday, followed immediately by a trip to Korea. I will represent Doshisha University at an international conference of ACUCA (The Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia). The conference will be held at Hannam University in Daejeon, South Korea, consisting of three days of plenary sessions, board meetings, and various events. I have been entrusted with important duties at these meetings, all of which will be held in English, so the schedule will be physically demanding.

 On the first day of my arrival in Korea, the foreign student alumni will come to see me and hold a welcome party for me. I am looking forward to that.







It was still hot in the afternoon, but early in the morning I felt autumn for the first time on my morning walk. The trees began to turn a little red.

 Listening to Psalm 46.












詩篇 46篇1~11節

聖書 新改訳2017©2017新日本聖書刊行会


Psalm 46

For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. According to alamoth. A song.

God is our refuge and strength,

an ever-present help in trouble.

Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way

and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,

though its waters roar and foam

and the mountains quake with their surging.

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,

the holy place where the Most High dwells.

God is within her, she will not fall;

God will help her at break of day.

Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall;

he lifts his voice, the earth melts.

The LORD Almighty is with us;

the God of Jacob is our fortress.

Come and see what the LORD has done,

the desolations he has brought on the earth.

He makes wars cease

to the ends of the earth.

He breaks the bow and shatters the spear;

he burns the shields with fire.

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;

I will be exalted among the nations,

I will be exalted in the earth.”

The LORD Almighty is with us;

the God of Jacob is our fortress.





「しかし、わたしはあなたがたに言います。栄華を極めたソロモンでさえ、この花の一つほどにも装っていませんでした。今日あっても明日は炉に投げ込まれる野の草さえ、神はこのように装ってくださるのなら、あなたがたには、もっと良くしてくださらないでしょうか。信仰の薄い人たちよ。」 (マタイ 6章29~30節 新改訳2017) 

The other day, an impulse purchase of a hibiscus tree unexpectedly produced one of the largest white flowers I had ever seen. The hibiscus flower blooms for only one day,  so it has already wilted the next day. I gave the hibiscus flower to the land tortoise, which happily munched on it and ate it with relish.

"So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; "and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
 "Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? 【NKJV】 Mat6:28-30







「はっきり言っておく。一粒の麦は、地に落ちて死ななければ、一粒のままである。だが、死ねば、多くの実を結ぶ。」ヨハネ12:24 新共同訳

Today, there was a meeting to commemorate the 70th anniversary of UNCHUSHA, a social welfare corporation, where I gave the keynote speech. This is a Christian social welfare corporation founded by evangelist Toyohiko Kagawa, just like the JESUS-BASND in Kobe. So many people attended the conference that Rainbow Hall in Iidabashi was filled to capacity, and the event was also broadcast live online.
After praising together in the opening worship service with the sermon, "A Grain of Wheat Shall Not Die," everyone listened attentively to my 90-minute message on ”faith, hope, and love.”
After that, we had a debate and a quality assembly for about two hours, and I was able to discuss it with great enthusiasm. I could feel a good response.
 I could also feel how Kagawa's prayers and passion are still being carried on even after 70 years.
"Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain." John 12:24 New King James Version 











I have been in Taiwan since early this week for the executive committee of the ACUCA (The Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia) Delegates' Conference. The day before the conference, I stopped by the Taiwan office of Doshisha University and received a warm welcome there. We were taken to authentic Taiwanese cuisine. Taiwanese food, it was delicious!

 At the ACUCA representatives meeting, presidents and representatives from Christian universities in Asian countries and regions such as Korea, China, Taiwan, Thailand, India, Indonesia, and the Philippines gathered at Chung Yuan Christian University (CYCU)    and engaged in heated discussions for many days.

In the opening service, the university chaplain from Hong Kong spoke about the blessings of the people who live according to God from Psalm 90 and Joshua 1:8-9, which still says, "Be strong. Be strong, be mighty. Do not be afraid. Do not tremble. Wherever you go, the Lord your God will be with you. This is the kind of faith that is necessary.

 For have I not commanded thee, that thou shouldest be strong? Be strong. Be strong, be mighty. Do not be afraid. Do not tremble. For wherever you go, the Lord your God will be with you." (Joshua 1:8-9, New Revised Translation 2017)

  I also participated on behalf of a Japanese university, and we discussed the mission of Christian universities to a society scarred by the Corona, among other things. While fellowshipping with the participants from morning to night and enjoying Taiwanese food, I was often asked about the mystery of Japan's small Christian population of less than 1%. The mystery of the growing Christian population, especially in Chinese house churches, was also discussed. Serious discussions were also held on issues such as Myanmar's university affiliation under the military coup.

 The Taiwan mission still continues, and we enjoy the blessing of people from different environments in different Asian countries praying, talking, and discussing together.



6月23日~24日にかけて日本キリスト教社会福祉学会第63回大会(名古屋大会)が祝福のうちに守られ無事に終わりました。コロナに翻弄されていたので、3年ぶりに対面で大会を開催することができました。やはり、直接会って交流し、議論する対面はいいですね! 今年はキリスト教社会福祉学会の「担い手」をテーマにして、2日間にわたって議論することができました。名古屋栄光教会、名古屋キリスト教社会館を会場にさせていただきましたが、対面で行いつつも、オンラインでも参加できるように配慮して、いわゆるハイブリッドで実施しました。これらのことをボランタリーにしていただいた実行委員会、名古屋キリスト教社会館の皆様、横浜YMCAの方々など大会関係者の皆様に心より感謝申し上げます。 


日本キリスト教社会福祉学会 (jacsw.com)

The 63rd Annual Conference of the Japan Society of Christian Social Welfare (JSCSW) in Nagoya, June 24-25, was a blessing and a success. We were at the mercy of Corona and were able to hold the conference face-to-face for the first time in three years. After all, it is nice to have a face-to-face meeting where we can meet, interact, and discuss in person.

 This year, we were able to discuss the theme of "Bearers of Welfare Practice" (social workers, etc.) at the Christian Social Welfare Society for two days. While using Nagoya Eiko Church and the Nagoya Christian Community Center as venues, we also allowed online participation, so the conference was conducted as a so-called hybrid. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all those involved who voluntarily did these things.

 In addition, the Board of Directors meeting was held the day before the conference, and we concluded an academic agreement with the Korean Association of Christian Social Welfare Practice, which had been our long-held dream. I signed the agreement with the Korean side who came to Japan and signed it as president. I hope that this will be an opportunity for the Christian social welfare societies of Japan and Korea, which share the same passion, to engage in rich and fruitful exchanges. (Photo: executives of both Japanese and Korean societies)




日本の最高峰の研究環境に居ながらも、冒険してそこを飛び出し、敢えて挑戦して自らを厳しい環境に身を置き、世界最高峰の研究環境で苦節6年間、研究に専念して黙々と懸命にがんばってきたことに対しては、親として心から拍手を送りたいと思います。また、博士号取得に際してPhi Beta Kappaという優秀賞に選ばれたということです。「おめでとう!」


 「涙とともに種を蒔く者は喜び叫びながら刈り取る。種入れを抱え泣きながら出て行く者は束を抱え喜び叫びながら帰って来る。」 詩篇 126篇5節~6節(新改訳2017)




My eldest son, who is currently studying sociology in the U.S., has recently been awarded a doctorate (Ph.D.). Tuition for graduate school at a traditional Ivy League school on the East Coast of the U.S. is comparable to that of medical schools in Japan, but he was able to devote himself to his research without any inconvenience to his parents, thanks to the university providing him with full tuition-free tuition and living and research expenses as a student with excellent grades.

As a parent, I would like to applaud him for his hard work and dedication to his research for six years in the world's most prestigious research environment. I am also happy to hear that he received the Phi Beta Kappa award for excellence when he received his doctoral degree. Congratulations!

After returning to Japan, he is now a researcher (JSPS PD) at his alma mater, the University of Tokyo. Fortunately, he has been hired as a full-time faculty member at Keio University, where he will be working from September.

”Let those who wept as they planted their crops, /gather the harvest with joy! Those who wept as they went out carrying the seed /will come back singing for joy, /as they bring in the harvest”. Psalm 126:5-6 TEV




我が家に来て20年以上になるギリシャ・リクガメのとんちゃんが、3日前から急に具合が悪くなって、まともに歩けない(特に後ろ脚)、食べようとしても口も開かない、という危篤状態に陥ってしまいました。長年の経験から、卵詰まり、尿路結石、など色々と考えたのですが、どうも違う・・・ もしかしたら25年が寿命とか言われていることを考えると老化? 































迎春 2023

新春 2023






Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year  2023

 There are many plans in a man's heart,Nevertheless the Lord's counsel-that will stand.(Proverbs 19:21,NKJV)

After a challenging year last year, in which we were at the mercy of the Coronas, we have been able to welcome the new year in peace. Our three children are now independent and working hard at home and abroad. We are now just the two of us at home, but we are doing well while taking care of (and being taken care of by) the land tortoises in our garden. Last year also saw the birth of one baby tortoise.

I pray for heavenly protection and blessings for all of you in this new year, even though the hard days are likely to continue.


KIHARA, Katsunobu


新春 2023

新春 2023






Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year  2023

 There are many plans in a man's heart,Nevertheless the Lord's counsel-that will stand.(Proverbs 19:21,NKJV)

After a challenging year last year, in which we were at the mercy of the Coronas, we have been able to welcome the new year in peace. Our three children are now independent and working hard at home and abroad. We are now just the two of us at home, but we are doing well while taking care of (and being taken care of by) the land tortoises in our garden. Last year also saw the birth of one baby tortoise.

I pray for heavenly protection and blessings for all of you in this new year, even though the hard days are likely to continue.


KIHARA, Katsunobu







 2000年近く前に使徒パウロが述べた、「私が福音を宣べ伝えても、私の誇りにはなりません。そうせずにはいられないのです。福音を宣べ伝えないなら、私はわざわいです。」(Ⅰコリント9章16節 新改訳2017)という言葉を想起しつつ、神に感謝を捧げることができました。








 2000年近く前に使徒パウロが述べた、「私が福音を宣べ伝えても、私の誇りにはなりません。そうせずにはいられないのです。福音を宣べ伝えないなら、私はわざわいです。」(Ⅰコリント9章16節 新改訳2017)という言葉を想起しつつ、神に感謝を捧げることができました。







 2000年近く前に使徒パウロが述べた、「私が福音を宣べ伝えても、私の誇りにはなりません。そうせずにはいられないのです。福音を宣べ伝えないなら、私はわざわいです。」(Ⅰコリント9章16節 新改訳2017)という言葉を想起しつつ、神に感謝を捧げることができました。



ACUCA(Association of Christian Universities and College in Asia)のクリスマス礼拝

本日、ACUCA(Association of Christian Universities and College in Asia:)の46周年記念大会およびクリスマス記念礼拝があった。アジアのキリスト教主義の加盟の60以上の大学とともに同志社もこれに加盟しており、私は昨年からACUCAの役職を担っており、招待を受けて参加させ頂き、共に礼拝を捧げることができた。


Luke(TEV)2:7 She gave birth to her first son, wrapped him in cloths and laid him in a manger-there was no room for them to stay in the inn.2:8 There were some shepherds in that part of the country who were spending the night in the fields, taking care of their flocks.2:9 An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone over them. They were terribly afraid,2:10 but the angel said to them, "Don't be afraid! I am here with good news for you, which will bring great joy to all the people.2:11 This very day in David's town your Savior was born-Christ the Lord!2:12 And this is what will prove it to you: you will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger."2:13 Suddenly a great army of heaven's angels appeared with the angel, singing praises to God:2:14 "Glory to God in the highest heaven, /and peace on earth to those with whom he is pleased!"











W.J.エイブラハム著、藤本満訳『はじめてのウェスレー』(教文館 2013)

W.J.エイブラハム著、藤本満訳『はじめてのウェスレー』(教文館 2013)読了。



















ここ4日間で、社会福祉法人、大学、教会とキリスト教に関する3つの特別集会でメッセージをさせていただきました。その準備もあり、さすがに疲れましたが、それぞれの集会で皆さんと一緒に、賛美し、祈りをささげているうちに、なにか不思議なぐらいに内から力が沸き上がってくるような思いを感じ、大胆に「信仰、希望、愛」について聖書をもとに語らせていただくことができました。 それぞれの集会のテーマは異なるのですが、その後の討論会などでも、するどい質問があり、有意義な時間となりました。私の拙い話に耳を傾けてくださった方々のうえに、神様の豊かな祝福がありますようにお祈りします。特に、試練と困難を抱えている方々に慰めがありますように。 

10月20日(木) 社会福祉法人 十字の園

10月22日(土) 同志社大学キリスト教文化センター学生スタッフ主催の修養会

10月23日(日) 日本基督教団神戸教会 秋の特別集会



大宮有博(2022)『アメリカ・キリスト教入門』(キリスト新聞社)を読んだ。現代のアメリカの政治、政策、文化を知る上で切り離すことができないアメリカのキリスト教の歴史を、イギリス人植民地の誕生からトランプ、バイデン大統領の現代まで、わかりやすく解説されていて読みやすかった。メインライン、福音派、カトリック、ペンテコステ派等、その他の諸派についてもバランスよく記述されていた。入門書というが、かなり深く、そして新しい知見も教えてくれていた。LGBTQ+や中絶をめぐる教会の反応と分裂、福音派の台頭と政治接近、右傾化と衰退、若者世代のReligious Nonesの台頭についても、最新の情報を得ることができる。










































