

重要 On COVID-19

想像できないことをいかに想像するか。”人間らしさ”の時代。(瀬名秀明)How to imagine what cannot be imagined. The age of "humanity". (SENA, Hideaki, NHK-TV, 23 Mar 2020)

There are a lot of questions about the new coronavirus. And there’s only one way to learn the answers: scientific research and discovery. (Science Magazine, March 2020)

注意JAAST Statement 2020/3/18 On aerosol particles emitted from the mouth. 口腔内から発せられたエアロゾル粒子に関して(エアロゾル学会)Air flow and ventilation or air purifiers are necessary to expel aerosol particles floating in closed spaces! 閉空間に漂うエアロゾル粒子を追い出すには空気の流れと換気・空気清浄機が必要です!

グループ>> Particles-from-mouth/

注意JAAST Statement 2020/2/21 On wearing masks for new coronaviruses and pollen allergy. 新型コロナウイルスや花粉症でのマスク装着に関して 

Point-1.「繊維の隙間より小さい粒子はマスクのフィルターを通過する」は間違い “Particles smaller than the fiber gap pass through the filter of the mask” is not accurate.

Point-2. 大事なことはマスクのフィルター性能より,マスクの縁と顔表面との隙間からの漏れ(侵入)を少しでもなくすこと It is important to eliminate the leakage (intrusion) from the gap between the mask edge and the face surface, rather than the filter performance of the mask.

グループ>> Mask-wearing/