バイオプロセス工学:Bio-process Engineering
  1. バイオガスの分野では、高効率嫌気性バイオリアクタの開発を行い、馴養したメタノール資化性メタン菌を用いて、ビタミンB12の生産性やメタンの生成等について検討を行っている。乾式メタン発酵についての研究では、発酵過程中における温度や水分、炭素窒素比率などの各パラーメーターによる発酵効果への影響を究明し、異なる発酵条件下での微生物群の解析、動力学上での研究を行っている。
  2. バイオエタノールの研究では、生物工学的手法を用いて農林産物の残渣(藁など)をエタノールへの変換技術の開発を行っており、特に効率的なリグノセルロース系の前処理法や糖化法の開発を目指す。
  3. 水環境浄化の分野では、日本の先端的技術と中国伝統的技術を融和した適性のある省エネー的生活排水処理技術の開発、その中で、電気化学的手法および生物工学的手法を用いて水環境中の窒素源を脱窒し、環境浄化につなげる手法の研究を行っている。
  4. 機能性食品の分野では、古米やオカラや焼酎廃液などの蛋白質系廃棄物、昆布残渣、ボタン皮、カバノアタケなど様々な未利用天然資源から、利用した高い抗菌、抗ウィルス性、抗がん、生理調整機能を持つ機能性食品の創出に力を入れている。

Selected Publications.

Rui Zhao a, Zhenya Zhang a, Ruiqin Zhang, Zhongfang Lei, Norio Sugiura, Motoo Utsumi: Methane production from rice straw pretreated by a mixture of acetic–propionic acid, Bioresource Technology, in press.

Miao Li, Chuanping Feng, Zhenya Zhang, Zhaoli Shen, Norio Sugiura: Application of an electrochemical-ion exchange reactor for ammonia removal, Electrochimica Acta (2009), in press DOI:10.1016/j.electacta.2009.08.027

Miao Li, Chuanping Feng, Zhenya Zhang, Zhaoli Shen, Norio Sugiura: Electrochemical reduction of nitrate using various anodes and a Cu/Zn cathode, Electrochemical communications (2009), in press DOI:10.1016/j.elecom.2009.08.001

Miao Li, Chuanping Feng, Zhenya Zhang, Xiaohui Lei, Norio Sugiura: Simultaneous regeneration of zeolites and removal of ammonia using an electrochemical method, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2009), in press DOI: 10.1016/j.micromeso.2009.07.009

Miao Li, Chuanping Feng, Zhenya Zhang, Xiaohui Lei, Yinan Yang, Norio Sugiura: Simultaneous reduction of nitrate and oxidation of by-products using electrochemical method, Journal of Hazardous Materials (2009), in press DOI: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.06.066

Miao Li, Chuanping Feng, Zhenya Zhang, Norio Sugiura: Efficient electrochemical reduction of nitrate to nitrogen using Ti/IrO2-Pt anode and different cathodes, Electrochemica Acta (2009) in press DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2009.03.064

Yuan Li, Zhenya Zhang, Zhongfang Lei, Yingnan Yang, Motoo Utumi, Norio Sugiura: Influence of metal addition on ethanol production with Pichia stipitis ATCC 58784, J Ind. Microbiol. Biotechol., 36: 491-497 (2009)

Honghai Hu, Zhenya Zhang, Zhongfang Lei, Yingnan Yang and Norio Sugiura: Comparative study of antioxidant activity and antiproliferative effect of hot water and ethanol extracts from the mushroom Inonotus obliquus, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 107 (1), 42-48 (2008)

Yingnan Yang, Kenichiro Tsukahara, Zhenya Zhang, Norio Sugiura, Shigeki Sawayama: Optimization of illumination time for the production of methane using carbon felt fluidized bed bioreactor in thermophilic anaerobic digestion, Biochemical Engineering Journal, in press.

Ji LI, Xiaoyan ZU, Haitao CHE, Guihua ZHANG, YingnanYANG, Norio SUGIURA and Zhenya ZHAN: Nattokinase extracted from Bacillus subtilis fermented soybean curd residue and wet corn distillers’ grain and its fibrinolytic activity, The Journal of the Agricultural Structures, Japan, 40 (1), 27-33 (2009)

Jingxun CUI, Kumiko MIYOSHI, Motoo UTSUMI, Zhenya ZHANG and Norio SUGIURA: Study on electrochemical removal of ammonia from spent brine, The Journal of the Agricultural Structures, Japan, 40 (1), 19-26 (2009)

Jing LIU, Yuan LI, Ji LI, Zhenya ZHANG, Norio SUGIURA: Study on pretreating lignocellulose with aqueous ammonia, The Journal of the Agricultural Structures, Japan, 40 (1), 7-18 (2009)

Zhenya Zhang, Peijuan Zhang, Michito Hamada, Satoru Takahashi, Guoqing Xing, Jiqiang Liu and Norio Sugiura: Potential chemoprevention effect of dietary fucoxanthin on urinary bladder cancer EJ-1 cell line, Oncology Reports, Oncology Reports, 20(5), 1099-1103.  

Zhenya Zhang, Zhongfang Lei, Xiaoyan He, Zhiyin Zhang, Yingnan Yang and Norio Sugiura: Nitrate removal by Thiobacillus denitrificans immobilized on poly (vinyl alcohol) carriers, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 163, 1090-1095 (2009)

Zhenya Zhang, Zhongfang Lei, Yun Lu, Zhongzhi Lu and Ye Chen: Composition and bioactivity changes in stale rice after fermentation with Cordyceps sinensis, Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 106 (2), 188-193 (2008)