Kazuya Shimooka
(下岡 和也)
Modified on: 02/06
Research Areas
Researchers with "Natural sciences / Solid earth science" in Research Areas
- Tokyo Denki UniversitySchool of Science and Engineering Division of Architectural, Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor
- Nihon UniversityCollege of Science and Technology Department of Electronic Engineering
- Nihon UniversityCollege of Humanities and Sciences Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences Professor
- Nihon UniversityDepartment of Liberal Arts and Science, College of Science and Technology Professor
- Tokai University Fukuoka Junior CollegeDepartment of Information and Management Science Professor
- Sabo & Landslide Technical Center (STC)Sabo Technology Research Institute Chief Researcher
- Kurashiki University of Science and the ArtsFaculty of Risk and Crisis Management Professor
- Chiba Institute of ScienceFaculty of Risk and Crisis Management, Department of Environmental Security System, Paper Recycling Project associate professor
- Nagoya UniversityGraduate School of Environmental Studies Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences Global Geochemistry Professor
- The Jikei University School of MedicineRadioisotope Research Facility Assistant Proffesor
- Osaka Metropolitan UniversityDepartment of Geosciences, Graduate School of Science Professor
- The University of TokyoGraduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences Biomaterial Sciences 准教授
- Tokushima UniversityGraduate School of Technology, Industrial and Social Sciences Professor