大橋 弘明
オオハシ ヒロアキ (Hiroaki OHASHI)
更新日: 02/18
- 所属
- 立命館アジア太平洋大学 准教授
- 学位
Doctor of Philosophy (Urban and Regional Planning)(2018年5月 ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン (UCL))Master of Architecture (Architectural Design)(2003年11月 ロンドン大学 (UCL))Master of Science with Distinction (Built Environment: Advanced Architectural Studies)(2002年11月 ロンドン大学 (UCL))修士(工学)(社会基盤工学)(2001年3月 東京大学)学士(工学)(土木工学)(1998年3月 東京大学)
- 研究者番号
- 70871052
- https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3803-4559
- 202001000101076276
- researchmap会員ID
- R000005161
- 外部リンク
都市・地域プランナー・デザイナー/PhD(博士)・英国王立都市計画協会公認都市計画家(Chartered Town Planner [MRTPI])・技術士(建設部門:都市及び地方計画)・再開発プランナー・宅地建物取引士・管理業務主任者・賃貸不動産経営管理士・APECエンジニア(Civil)・IPEA国際エンジニア(Japan)・URCAマンション建替えアドバイザー・二級建築士・アフィリエイテッド ファイナンシャル プランナー(AFP)/TOEFL CBT: 267点(2005年)・TOEIC: 910点(2005年)
Hiroaki Ohashi, PhD MRTPI P.E.Jp APEC Eng. IntPE(Jp), has specialized in urban and regional planning, development, policy, and design by integrating practical, research, and teaching experiences. He holds professional qualifications such as a Chartered Town Planner of UK's Royal Town Planning Institute, Professional Engineer (Civil Eng.: Urban and Regional Planning) (very important JPN Nat’l QUAL in planning and development practices in Japan), Urban Renewal Planner, Real Estate Notary (JPN Nat’l QUAL), Licensed Representative of Condominium Management Company (JPN Nat’l QUAL), Property Manager (JPN Nat'l QUAL), APEC Engineer (Civil), IPEA International Engineer (Japan), URCA Condominium Rebuilding Advisor, and Affiliated Financial Planner. He is a member of professional and academic societies, including the Royal Town Planning Institute; International Society of Urban and Regional Planners; Regional Studies Association; Town and Country Planning Association; American Planning Association; Urban Design Group; Institute of Professional Engineers, Japan; Professional Engineers Alumni Society, The Uni. of Tokyo; City Planning Institute of Japan; Tokyo Society of Architects & Building Engineers; and Japan Society for International Development. He has various practical experiences in both international and domestic consultancy projects in planning and development at two well-known construction consulting firms within the same company group in Tokyo (i.e. Pacific Consultants Co., Ltd. and Pacific Consultants International). These experiences cover projects at different spatial scales ranging from master planning through urban (re)development to the utilization of an individual site. The experiences, which enabled him to obtain comparative insights in different national settings and at different phases of urbanization, include countries, such as Mongolia, Qatar, Ghana, Vietnam, Pakistan, China, Philippines, and Japan. The clients of some projects were the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) or the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). International projects include “The Study on City Master Plan and Urban Development Program of Ulaanbaatar City in Mongolia” (JICA project), “Qatar National Master Plan”, and “The Study on Comprehensive Urban Development Plan for Greater Kumasi in the Republic of Ghana” (JICA project). The clients of domestic projects were mostly Japanese government entities. He was also one of the team members for the urban planning and design competition for a "Concept Plan for Area 1 in Greater Doha", in which the team's outcome was selected as one of the three finalists who could proceeded to the proposal stage for master planning of Qatar. After accumulating practical experiences, he obtained a PhD (in Urban and Regional Planning) from University College London (UCL) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Nicholas A. Phelps (Prof. and Chair of Urban Planning, The Uni. of Melbourne/Formerly, Prof. of Urban and Regional Development, UCL) and Prof. Dr. John Tomaney (Prof. of Urban and Regional Planning, UCL). His PhD thesis targeted the suburban territory of Tokyo Metropolis where he lived for a long time. During his PhD study, he was awarded several grants, including an Inoue Masaru Scholarship (UCL 1863 Japan Scholarship) from UCL and a BAJS Studentship from the British Association for Japanese Studies. He also holds the following academic qualifications: a BEng (in Civil Eng.) and a MEng (in Civil Eng.) from the Uni. of Tokyo, and a MSc with Distinction (in Built Environment: Advanced Architectural Studies) and a MArch (in Architectural Design) from Uni. of London (UCL). He is an Associate Professor at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific Uni. in Beppu City. Prior to this, he worked as a Senior Researcher at Ritsumeikan Uni. and as a Part-time Lecturer at Ryukoku Uni. in Kyoto City. From Nov. 2021 to Jan. 2022, he was a Chercheur invité at UMR 8504 Géographie-cités (by Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Université de Paris, and École des hautes études en sciences sociales). From Aug. to Sep. 2022, he was a University Guest (Academic) at The Uni. of Melbourne. He is an Honorary Research Fellow at UCL since Feb. 2023. He published papers in the following: Urban Studies, Cities, Urban Geography, Urban Planning, and Journal of Planning Education and Research. He also published papers (in Japanese) in the following: Journal of Disaster Mitigation for Historical Cities and Historical Disaster Studies in Kyoto, both of which are by Ritsumeikan Uni. where he is a Visiting Researcher. After his PhD, he has received several grants. Since Apr. 2023, I am a member of the committee established by Oita Prefectural Government for revitalization of the Nishi-Oita area that serves as a port gateway to Oita Prefecture and is connected with Kobe City by ferries. His interests include spatial and (sub)urban policies and planning, international comparative planning studies, (sub)urban and architectural analysis and design, sustainable and resilient development, regional and rural development, international development, shrinking cities, smart cities, disaster management (especially, water-related disasters amid climate change), historic preservation, and interdisciplinary approaches for built and natural environments among urban and regional planning and design, architecture, civil engineering, public policies, and urban economics.
2022年4月 - 現在
2022年4月 - 現在
2019年12月 - 2022年3月
2020年4月 - 2020年9月
2018年4月 - 2019年11月
2008年7月 - 2014年8月
2004年7月 - 2008年7月
1998年4月 - 2001年3月
1993年4月 - 1998年3月
2023年4月 - 現在
2019年12月 - 2022年3月
歴史都市防災論文集 16 135-142 2022年7月24日 査読有り筆頭著者
京都歴史災害研究 23 29-38 2022年3月 査読有り筆頭著者
Urban Studies. An International Journal of Research in Urban Studies. 58(14) 3029-3049 2021年11月 査読有り筆頭著者
歴史都市防災論文集 15 2021年7月 査読有り筆頭著者
歴史都市防災論文集 15 2021年7月 査読有り
京都歴史災害研究 (22) 49-56 2021年3月 査読有り
Journal of Planning Education and Research (SAGE Publications) 40(4) 379-392 2020年12月 査読有り
Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning. (online) 103 103 2020年8月 査読有り筆頭著者
PhD Thesis, University College London 2018年5月 筆頭著者
MSc Thesis, University College London 2002年9月 筆頭著者
土木学会海岸工学論文集 47 66-70 2000年11月 査読有り筆頭著者
第16回歴史都市防災シンポジウム 2022年7月24日
4th Collaborative Workshop on Housing and Urban Development (on Zoom) (90 minutes) (organized by College of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University, with Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University) 2021年12月7日 招待有り
Séminaire CRIA, UMR8504 Géographie-cités (フランス国立科学研究センター、パリ第1パンテオン・ソルボンヌ大学、パリ大学、社会科学高等研究院による共同研究ユニット), Greater Paris (Aubervilliers, Seine-Saint-Denis), France 2021年11月12日 招待有り
As a guest speaker, gave a lecture titled “Urban Policy and Planning” (90 minutes) as one of the lectures in the postgraduate taught course titled “Advanced Policy Studies” at College of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University 2021年10月11日 招待有り
Invisible Reconstruction - Cross disciplinary responses to disaster and approaches to sustainable resilience 2021年9月1日 招待有り
第15回歴史都市防災シンポジウム 2021年7月17日
ICT・技術に関するJICA勉強会 (JICA都市・地域開発KMN[内部ナレッジグループ]向け) (on Microsoft Teams) 2021年4月8日
3rd Collaborative Workshop on Housing and Urban Development (on Zoom) (80 minutes) (by College of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University, with Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University) 2021年3月13日 招待有り
立命館大学歴史都市防災研究所 2020年度第4回定例研究会 2020年10月10日
2nd Collaborative Workshop on Housing and Urban Development in Osaka (90 minutes), College of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University, Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University, and Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University 2019年12月11日 College of Policy Science, Ritsumeikan University, Faculty of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University, and Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University 招待有り
Intensive Learning Session on Urban Planning under Market Economy, JICA Study Team (In: The Study on City Master Plan and Urban Development Program of Ulaanbaatar City in Mongolia) 2007年7月
Space Syntax Summer Exhibition, Bartlett School of Graduate Studies (Poster Presentation) 2002年5月 Bartlett School of Graduate Studies
第47回海岸工学講演会 2000年11月
第10回日本沿岸域学会研究討論会 1997年5月26日
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究 2022年4月 - 2025年3月
Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation Japan (ref: J822) 2023年
Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation (ref: 13089/14331) 2023年
Canon Foundation Research Fellowship from Canon Foundation in Europe (ref: Not Applicable) 2021年11月
立命館大学 2021年度 研究推進プログラム(科研費獲得推進型) 2021年6月
John Crump Studentship (Final-stage PhD Scholarship) from British Association for Japanese Studies (ref: JC2017_38) 2017年 - 2018年
Inoue Masaru Scholarship (UCL 1863 Japan Scholarship) (井上勝奨学金 [井上勝:日本の「鉄道の父」]) from UCL (ref: Not Applicable) 2016年 - 2018年
Travel Study Grant from Gilchrist Educational Trust (ref: 6729) 2016年 - 2018年
BAJS Studentship from British Association for Japanese Studies (ref: BAJS_2016_34) 2016年 - 2018年
One-off grant from Allan and Nesta Ferguson Charitable Trust (ref: LPG/F/6779-18) 2016年 - 2018年
Research Grant from Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation UK (as the co-applicant with Prof. Nicholas Phelps as the lead applicant) (Grant Number: 4865) 2015年
パネル司会・セッションチェア等2022年12月4日 - 2022年12月4日