

Civil Society Expressions of Patriotism and Progressivism: Heritage Products in Cambodia

EuroSEAS 7th Annual Conference
  • FEUER,Hart Nadav

European Association for Southeast Asian Studies
School of Social and Political Sciences - ISCSP, Lisbon, Portugal

Panel: 'Civil Society in Southeast Asia'.

Abstract: As early as the 1980s, Western civil society spearheaded by development aid and following international agendas began emerging Cambodia. Amidst this international push were a few initiatives that eventually evolved into nationally-active domestic institutions with influence on policy-making. Using the case of agricultural policy, the author describes civil society as competitive space, in which different models of social and technical change vie for attention from the government and people, each hoping to be popularized, legitimized and formalized nationally. In particular, he looks at two organizations representing paradigmatic development discourses, in this case alternative vs. industrial agriculture. He explores how these organizations gained popularity and legitimacy in scientific circles, and now manoeuvre to shape policy according to their particular vision of agricultural development. While governments usually promote or allow discrete discourses to become hegemonic, the Cambodian government has fashioned a more plural space in which competing ideals can be negotiated, taken up, and institutionalized in strategic ways.