

Line of sight and brain activity during pursuit of a moving target with constant velocity

European Conference on Visual Perception 42nd(ECVP 2019)


Visual information processing in the brain and control of eye movements contribute to the ability to pursue a moving target. To clarify the line-of-sight adjustment process in the brain, high temporal resolution is required in order to obtain information on the target location, line of sight, and brain activity. We investigated this issue by analyzing line-of-sight and electroencephalography (EEG) data that were continuously recorded in 10 participants while they pursued a downward moving target with constant velocity on a display.
The results of our EEG time-frequency analysis showed that increased theta and alpha EEG activity in the parietal cortex may contribute to the ability to focus on a target. In addition, increased beta EEG activity in the premotor cortex may contribute to the transfer of visual information that has been processed about the target to control eye movements.