

タイトル A comparison of online and paper-based annotation in a reading comprehension task.
カテゴリ 研究論文
概要 In 2009, one software program that can be used with the latest major web browsers was released. Known as WebNotes, it allows direct annotation on Internet resources. Consequently, online annotation has become available to most people connected to Internet and now it is possible to compare online and traditional paper-based annotation using quantitative research methods. Whether the online annotation tool can improve online reading up to the level of paper-based reading is the major interest of the present study.
タイトル Exploring the way to improve the effectiveness of hypertext-based instruction: Inferences from the literature on cognitive load theory
カテゴリ 研究論文
概要 To date, a large number of practitioners have created instructional software with the technology of hypertext. Because the technology could present information in multiple ways, it was believed that hypertext would provide instructions optimized for various learning objectives. However, researchers have mentioned that hypertext actually distracts learning by overwhelming people with the high density of information. It is also reported that people cannot perform sustained reading with passages including hyperlinks. This study explores how to ameliorate hypertext-based instruction by reviewing the literature on cognitive load theory (CLT). The present study found that hypertext could bring about meaningful learning with appropriate selection of structural design and learning contents. It also found that hypertext-based instruction could increase motivation. In conclusion, this paper suggests six principles for hypertext-based instructions with recommendations for the methodologies of future studies.
タイトル A review of visual attractiveness in instructional materials
カテゴリ 研究論文
概要 This review investigated literature in terms of visual aesthetics and beauty in related fields. As a result of the review, a significant lack of study on this topic was found in the field of instructional design. On the other hand, the field of multimedia learning possessed several discussions on the visual attractiveness of learning materials. The field tends to discourage the use of graphics and illustrations for the purpose of attracting learners, however. Among the fields that deal with the communication of information, the field of human-computer interaction, in particular, dealt vigorously with visual beauty. The field produces a number of empirical studies on the topic and considers visual attractiveness to be an important aspect of interface design. However, there seems to be a lack of agreement on the conceptual and operational definitions of beauty and attractiveness. For this reason, the final sections of this literary review discuss several philosophical concepts and issues that could be related to the constructs of beauty and attractiveness. This review raises the question as to whether or not it’s possible to study beauty on a quantitative level.
タイトル Principles and elements of visual design: A review of the literature on visual design of instructional materials
カテゴリ 研究論文
概要 An increasing number of graphics used in instructional materials makes it important to explore the effects of visuals on learning (Anglin, Vaez & Cunningham, 2003). In this context, this paper reviews the concepts relevant to visual design studies for researchers who are interested in conducting studies in the area of visual design of instructional materials. The review identifies the relevant literature on the taxonomy of visuals, and principles and elements of visual design. In particular, the taxonomy of visuals reveals two primary kinds: taxonomy based on surface feature and that based on functions. Scholars suggest that it is important to select visuals based on the function of visuals. The principles of visual design include balance, unity, proximity, contrast, emphasis, and alignment. The elements of visual design include line, shape, form, value, color, space, texture, and typeface. However, the literature also suggests that design takes place not only based on principles but also on designers’ judgment, formed by multiple factors such as the purpose of design. Analyzing the actual visual design process could bring new knowledge to the field and would help designers to make optimal design judgments; this is together with existing studies and principles of visual design. It is hoped that this literature review will help researchers describe as well as analyze the visual design process in order to advance the knowledge of the field of instructional design.
タイトル Interaction of a vocabulary quiz with cognitive instructional strategies in first language learning among Japanese undergraduates
カテゴリ 研究論文
概要 In response to concerns regarding effects of hyperlinked annotation on reading comprehension, this study was undertaken to compare hyperlinked annotation with student highlighting of unknown/difficult words. An online highlighting tool was used to help students reflect their prior vocabulary in a hyperlink-based annotated passage. Highlighting unknown/difficult words was expected to aid acquisition of those words, increase the reading comprehension of the passages, and decrease overall cognitive load. Japanese undergraduates (n = 80) were randomly assigned to each of following four conditions: treatment groups with and without a pretest vocabulary quiz, and control groups with and without the pretest. A Solomon four-group design was used because the pretest vocabulary quiz might provide students with time to reflect their prior knowledge and could, therefore, reduce the effect of the treatment. Results showed that highlighting unknown/difficult words in a hyperlink-based annotated passage was not effective on its own for enhancing vocabulary learning. On the other hand, the combination of a pretest vocabulary quiz and highlighting unknown/difficult words increased reading comprehension, and decreased perceived cognitive load. The vocabulary quiz was not intended to be part of the treatment but was discovered to be important as an adjunct to highlighting unknown/difficult words.
タイトル Does the visual appeal of instructional media affect learners’ motivation toward learning?
カテゴリ 研究論文
概要 While authors like Mayer (2009) suggest that designers should avoid using visuals for the purpose of attracting learners’ interests, some scholars suggest that visuals could influence learners’ emotions. In this study the author investigated whether the perception of the visual appeal of instructional handouts affects learners’ self-reported motivation to learn from the handouts. Two handouts were prepared for this study: a minimalist handout following Mayer’s (2009) Coherence Principle and an appealing handout complying with everyday visual trends. Participants were instructed to look at the handouts in different orders according to groups and were asked about their impressions of the handouts. The appealing handout was perceived as motivating when it was seen after the minimalist handout. However, the group that saw the minimalist handout first did not perceive the appealing handout as motivating. The result implies that not only the design but also the learning context influences learners’ self-reported motivation to engage with the handout.
タイトル Constraints on instructional media design: How do media developers deal with them?
カテゴリ 研究論文
概要 Scholars report that practitioners do not follow the procedures suggested by instructional design models (e.g., Christensen & Osguthorpe, 2004). This gap between practice and models could come from researchers’ lack of understanding of actual practices (Kerr, 1983). Particularly, the work of instructional media developers has not been well documented (Beriswill, 2011). This case study aimed to document the workplace realities of instructional media developers through interviews and observations. Particularly, since several constraints affect the designer’s decisions (e.g., Rowe, 1991), this study investigated the kinds of constraints that exist in their workplace and how they deal with such constraints. A few media developers mentioned that they became frustrated with such constraints. However, some media developers said that they appreciated the constraints for reducing the number of decisions they had to make. To satisfy the demands of clients with limited amounts of time and money, media developers took various creative actions.
タイトル Visual design as a holistic experience: How students’ emotional responses to the visual design of instructional materials are formed
カテゴリ 研究論文
概要 Despite the recognized importance of emotion in learning (Kim and Pekrun in Handbook of research on educational communications and technology, 4th ed., Springer, pp. 65–75, 2014), instructional material design research primarily focuses on cognition, tending to ignore the affective dimension (Brom et al. in Educ Res Rev 25:100–119, 2018). To understand the complex phenomenon of how students’ emotional responses to instructional materials are formed, this qualitative thematic study explored factors thought to affect their visual perceptions of instructional materials by utilizing the general framework of approach and avoidance motivation. Four sets of printed instructional materials were prepared, each with the same content drawn from finite mathematics, but with different visual designs. A total of 25 students were invited to a laboratory room and asked to select and study one out of the four sets of materials. The entire process was observed, and students were interviewed to share their experiences. The results showed that students selected instructional materials based on their holistic impression of the materials and on their individual expectations as shaped by previous experiences. For example, students who had math anxiety selected materials that did not look like math textbooks, although opinions regarding which materials did or did not look like textbooks were diverse due to different material experiences. While existing studies tend to be deterministic about the attractiveness of visual materials (e.g., Plass et al. in Learn Instruct 29:128–140, 2014), the present study confirms that there is no universal design that elicits comfortable experiences for everyone. This paper concludes with sets of guidelines and methods to accommodate students’ diverse visual perceptions, which is critical for enhancing learning as a holistic experience.