スイコ メリーアン
スイコ メリーアン (Mary Ann Suico)
更新日: 2024/12/18
- 所属
- 熊本大学 大学院生命科学研究部(薬学系) 遺伝子機能応用学分野 助教
- 学位
- 200901091767697175
- researchmap会員ID
- 5000051136
- 外部リンク
Doctoral degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Kumamoto University, Japan, April 2000 - March 2003.
Master of Science in Chemistry, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of San Carlos, Cebu, Philippines, June 1996 - March 1998.
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, University of San Carlos, Cebu, Philippines, June 1987 - March 1991.
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto
University, Japan, April 2008 - present.
Associate Researcher, Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University, Japan, April 2003 - March 2008.
Research Trainee, Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University, Japan, April 1999 - March 2000.
Lecturer, College of Arts and Sciences, Cebu Doctors’ College, Cebu, Philippines, June 1994 - March 1999.
High school chemistry teacher, Sisters of Mary School, Cebu, Philippines, June 1992 - March 1994.
Chemist, Department of Science and Technology, Cebu, Philippines, December 1991 - May, 1992.
• Molecular Biology: DNA recombinant techniques including DNA and RNA
preparation, cloning, QPCR, Promoter assay.
• Biochemistry: Protein preparation, Western blot analysis, Immunoprecipitation, Immunofluorescence, Electrophoretic mobility shift assay, Flow cytometry.
• Cell Biology including cell culture techniques and iPS cells culture. ACADEMIC SOCIETY
Japanese Cancer Association (JCA) Japanese Pharmacological Society (JPS) The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (PSJ)
- transcriptional regulation, transcription factors, ETS transcription factor family, myeloid elf-1-like factor (MEF)/ELF4
- cancer, p53, heat shock proteins, ER stress, chaperones
- immune regulation, toll-like receptors (TLR), TLR signaling
- chronic kidney disease (CKD), Alport syndrome, glomerulus, podocyte
Doctoral degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical
Sciences, Kumamoto University, Japan, April 2000 - March 2003.
Master of Science in Chemistry, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of San Carlos, Cebu, Philippines, June 1996 - March 1998.
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, College of Arts and Sciences, University of San Carlos, Cebu, Philippines, June 1987 - March 1991.
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto
University, Japan, April 2008 - present.
Associate Researcher, Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University, Japan, April 2003 - March 2008.
Research Trainee, Faculty of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kumamoto University, Japan, April 1999 - March 2000.
Lecturer, College of Arts and Sciences, Cebu Doctors’ College, Cebu, Philippines, June 1994 - March 1999.
High school chemistry teacher, Sisters of Mary School, Cebu, Philippines, June 1992 - March 1994.
Chemist, Department of Science and Technology, Cebu, Philippines, December 1991 - May, 1992.
• Molecular Biology: DNA recombinant techniques including DNA and RNA
preparation, cloning, QPCR, Promoter assay.
• Biochemistry: Protein preparation, Western blot analysis, Immunoprecipitation, Immunofluorescence, Electrophoretic mobility shift assay, Flow cytometry.
• Cell Biology including cell culture techniques and iPS cells culture. ACADEMIC SOCIETY
Japanese Cancer Association (JCA) Japanese Pharmacological Society (JPS) The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (PSJ)
- transcriptional regulation, transcription factors, ETS transcription factor family, myeloid elf-1-like factor (MEF)/ELF4
- cancer, p53, heat shock proteins, ER stress, chaperones
- immune regulation, toll-like receptors (TLR), TLR signaling
- chronic kidney disease (CKD), Alport syndrome, glomerulus, podocyte
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