Search for Astrophysical Tau Neutrinos with an Improved Double Pulse Method
Tau neutrino identification with the IceCube experiment would open new windows to neutrino physics as well as enable novel searches for cosmic neutrino sources. This work aims at a identification of tau neutrinos with astrophysical origin at energies above 100TeV. For identification, we search for a double pulse structure in the signal of one of IceCubes Digital Optical Modules originating from a tau neutrino interaction and a subsequent tau decay within the detector. In this work, we present constraints on the tau neutrino flux based on an event sample with a livetime of about 7.5 years of IceCube data.
- リンク情報
- ID情報
- ORCIDのPut Code : 81162434
- arXiv ID : arXiv:1909.05127