Research Projects

2011 - 2013

Triggers of wandering behaviors in elderly dementia patients monitored by the IC tag monitoring system

Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(基盤研究(B))  基盤研究(B)

Grant number
Japan Grant Number (JGN)
Collaborating Investigator(s) (not designated on Grant-in-Aid)
Grant amount
17,550,000 Japanese Yen
(Direct funding)
13,500,000 Japanese Yen
(Indirect funding)
4,050,000 Japanese Yen
Grant type

The purpose of this study was to explore triggers of wandering behaviors in elderly patients with dementia. The IC tag monitoring system was used to identify triggers. Monitoring results were discussed with staff nurses and to implement care plans. In total, 25 patients were monitored. Of these, 17 were intervened for wandering. One example was a young onset Alzheimer patient who wandered more than 20 km per day. She was sensitive to odor, and environmental controls were implemented. After the intervention, her distance moved per day decreased significantly. One patients with front temporal dementia displayed clockwatching behavior, and his activity level rose sharply 40 minutes every hour. Our study suggests that dementia type affects wandering behavior. There is a need for monitoring system to evaluate wandering for patient safety. Nurses' observation was essential for identifying triggers of wandering.

Link information
ID information
  • Grant number : 23390516
  • Japan Grant Number (JGN) : JP23390516