- 巻
- 第71巻
- 号
- 第599号
- 開始ページ
- 79
- 終了ページ
- 86
- 記述言語
- 日本語
- 掲載種別
- 10.3130/aijs.71.79_1
- 出版者・発行元
- 日本建築学会
This paper evaluates the effect of geometrical nonlinearity on the buckling load of laminated rubber bearings. In the past research, the author proposed a nonlinear buckling model for shear-bending columns, which revealed the fact that the reduction of lateral stiffness of rubber bearings in a large horizontal displacement depends on their configuration. It has been believed that the low-rise elastomeric columns have a more stable load-displacement characteristics than slender ones. The model, however, clarified the risk of the unstable post-buckling behavior latent in the flat configuration of bearings. On the other hand, the slenderness of elastomeric columns plays an important role to maintain their load supporting capacity in a large deformed area. These analytical discoveries are numerically investigated and compared with some experimental observations.
- リンク情報
- ID情報
- DOI : 10.3130/aijs.71.79_1
- ISSN : 1340-4202
- CiNii Articles ID : 110004839879
- CiNii Books ID : AN10438559