
学校法人東北医科薬科大学 東北医科薬科大学病院 認知症疾患医療センター(総合診療科) 専任公認心理師 (専任心理士)
教育学修士(1999年3月 山形大学大学院教育学研究科)



Yumiko Nakama,MA,CP,CPP is a Japanese Clinical psychologist, Certificated publiclic psychologist and Senior professional psychologist.

She holds the titles of AEDP™ revel2(USA) therapist and Sensorymotor psychotherapy level 1(UK) therapist and Brainspotting™ trained  therapist(USA,AUS,Japan).

She is also an EFT certified therapist and a Taktil care®️ revel I certified therapist.




【Therapist training on discrimination and human rights(差別と人権に関するセラピストトレーニング)】

AEDP™Institue Level 1, Level 2, ASM training,BIPOC group supervison

The embody lab ISTT training(USA)

Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute(USA and London)

The Politics of Trauma: Embodied Transformation, Social Action and Love by Staci Hanes, Somatic coach,coaching circle(USA)

Ally, Blend and Build: Deepening Our Collective Soma(USA) by Staci Hanes


☆Brainspotting phase1,phase2

☆AEDP™Level2 therapist(80CE,AEDP™Institute,USA)

☆AEDP™ Level1 therapist(34CE,AEDP™Institute,USA)

☆SP Level1 therapist(UK)

☆The Embody Lab ISTT

Completing the 60 hour Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy certificate program(2023),USA






専門心理士 (公益社団法人日本老年精神医学会認定)


上級専門心理士(公益社団法人日本老年精神医学会認定 上級専門心理士)






BTI-J(JAPAN Brainspotting®️ group) phase1training(2023),phase2 training(2024),master therapist(2023) completed.

Brainspotting®️ Trainner Takanobu Suzuki,JAPAN

The TIP Model®️ 2nd training 2024 Japan training completed. Trainner Takanobu Suzuki,JAPAN

 EFT JAPAN Certified Therapist

(EFT JAPAN)※Emotional Freedom Technique

☆大阪府緩和ケア研修会PEACE PROJECT 大阪府,日本緩和医療学会




【Course History (Overseas)】

〘AEDP™Institute ,USA〙

☆AEDP Advanced Skills Modular Course: Live, Online, with Diana Fosha, PhD AEDP Magnificent ‘9+1’ Affective Change Processes. Presented by Diana Fosha, PhD and Experiential Assistants.
November 3 − 6, 2023,10:30 am – 3:00 pm Eastern Time.CE17.

☆Navigating AEDP’s Experiential-Attachment Work in the Context of Trauma, Dissociation and MultiplicityPresented by: Kari Gleiser, PhD.September 29-30, 2023/Kari Gleiser, PhD CE16

☆AEDP™ Advanced Skills Modules (ASM) Presented by: Annika Medbo, Licensed Psychotherapist Counts toward AEDP Certification Live Online, Four 4.5-hour Sessions: Friday – Monday July 14-17, 2023 | 10:00 AM – 2:30 PM Eastern Time USA 16.5CE psychologists #PSY-0018 16.5 contact hour live online

☆AEDP™ES1 September 2022-June 2023/Certificate of Completion.80hours training.#PSY-0018 80CE

☆AEDP™ Immersion Course by Dr. Diana Fosha of the AEDP™ Institute in New York, U.S.A.)May 2022 34CE 34hourstraining(#PSY-008)by R. Cassidy Seminars ( R. Cassidy Seminars is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists.

R. Cassidy Seminars maintains responsibility for this program and its content. 34 CE hours )

Intro To AEDP™: How to Be a Transformational Therapist and Put Neuroplasticity into Everyday Action

Presented by AEDP™ Founder & Director, Diana Fosha, PhDRecorded for OnDemand Learning

The Neuroscience of Trauma and Its Healing: The Road Back to the Neurobiological Core Self

Presented by AEDP™ Founder & Director Diana Fosha, PhD & Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD

Recorded for On Demand Learning.

Being Seen & Dopamine: The Neurobiology of Vitality & Recognition

with Diana Fosha, PhD

A 2 hour video seminar originally presented in Lexington, MA on April 8, 2016.

On Demand AEDP Portrayals: The Dyadic Experiential Processing of Trauma to a Corrective Emotional Experience

with Diana Fosha, PhD

On Demand: Black Liberation as a Path to Collective Wellness & Healing: Pursuing Personal and Collective Liberation Through BioMythoGraphy

Presented by Della Mosley, PhD Recorded for On Demand Learning

※AEDP™(Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy 加速化体験力動療法)


 〘The Embody Lab,USA〙

completing the 60 hour Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy certificate program(2023),USA


〘Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute,USA,UK〙

SPI event with Dr. Janina Fisher. 

Grieving Our Lost Childhoods with Dr. Janina Fisher on Friday, Oct. 20th.

Trauma, Dissociation, and the Body with Pat Ogden on September 28th and 29th, 2023. 

Greenwich Mean Time Sensorimotor Psychotherapy for Trauma Themes (revel1)- Online(Greenwich Mean Time) London Trainer and Faculty Tony Buckley by Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute


〘Staci Haines〙

☆Staci Haines The Politics of Trauma:Embodied Transformation, Social Action and Love(2023−2024) by Staci Haines,USA 

Ally, Blend and Build: Deepening Our Collective Soma(2024) by Staci Hanes,USA


☆NICABM(The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine ) Online Training, USA



☆PESI Online Trainig,USA Trauma Conference, The Body Keeps the Score: Trauma Healing Through the Senses with Bessel van der Kolk, MD,  (December 19, 2023 )

Clinical Applications of IFS Therapy: Integrative Approaches for Trauma, Attachment, Neurodiversity & More 2023

IFS Immersion: Integrating Internal Family Systems (IFS) Across Clinical Applications course

Dr. Lindsay Gibson's 3-Month Online Certificate Program on Treating Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents(2024)


Brainspotting phase1,2 completed inJAPAN

Brainspotting with David Grand, Ph.D. The Brain-Body Based Therapy for Treating Trauma(USA)

The 6 F's of Trauma Response and Dissociation in Times of Crisis(2024 USA)

The role of silence in brain spotting in existential crises, Brain Spotting Help

Presented by David Grand, PHD.11 Dec 2024(USA)








BTI-J Brainspotting™ 

The TIP model®️ 心理学教育サイコ.edu

IFS 内的家族システム療法(Internal Family Systems Model Therapy)


 厚生労働省令和2年度慢性疼痛診療システム普及人材養成モデル事業「福島県立医科大学慢性疼痛診療研修会」修了  (日本いたみ財団 2020.12. 27)

令和元年度 内閣府「性犯罪被害者等支援体制整備促進事業 医療関係者研修」(内閣府 2020.1.9.於国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センター)


「複雑性PTSD研修会」東北大学大学院医学系研究科予防精神医学寄附講座主催(2020.1.16〜17 於仙台市)


【Supervisors and Supervision】Brainspotting™ Consultant (Australia)


AEDP™ Insitute Certified Supervision(North America)


The Politics of Trauma: Embodied Transformation, Social Action and Love by Staci Hanes, Somatic coach,coaching circle(North America)










