Profile Information

Associate professor, Biotron Application Center, Kyushu University
Director & Secretary General, Japanese Society of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Engineers and Scientists
Doctor of Philosophy, Agricultural Science (1994)(Kyushu University)

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Main title of research is "effects of environmental factors on root physiological function in plants". This study deals with (1) sensing of various environmental factors which may affect physiological status of plant roots, and (2) measurement of growth, respiration and uptake of water or nutrients (i.e., fundamental function of plant roots) under controlled environment.
Most of the material plants are horticultural crops, and they are grown in hydroponics or sand-ponics under controlled environment in a phytotron or an artificial light growth chamber. The root function responding to changes in the plant environment can be evaluated using various sensors and equipments. The results of this study could contribute to optimizing environment in horticultural crop production.