篠原 健司
シノハラ ケンジ (Kenji Shinohara)
更新日: 2018/08/01
- 所属
- 国立研究開発法人理化学研究所 環境資源科学研究センター コーディネーター
- 学位
- 200901044488772657
- researchmap会員ID
- 0000015658
- 外部リンク
1)Tahara K, Hiradate S, Hashida K, Shinohara K (2017) An aluminum-resistance mechanism in Eucalyptus camaldulensis: complexation between aluminum and oenothein B in presence of organic acids in vitro. J For Res 22: 261-264, 2017 (DOI 10.1080/13416979.2017.1326656)
2)Tamura M, Hisataka Y, Moritsuka E, Watanabe A, Uchiyama K, Futamura N, Shinohara K, Tsumura Y, Tachida H (2015) Analyses of random BAC clone sequences of Japanese cedar, Cryptomeria japonica. Tree Genet Genom 11: 50-62 (DOI 10.1007 s11295-015-0859-9)
3)Tahara K, Kojima K、Shinohara K (2015) Gel-filtration analysis to detect Al-binding ligands in Eucalyptus camaldulensis. J For Res (DOI 10.1007/s10310-015-0487-0)
4)Kogawara S, Mohri T, Igasaki T, Nakajima N, Shinohara K (2014) Drought and salt stress tolerance of ozone-tolerant transgenic poplar with an antisense DNA for 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase. Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 13: 89-98
5)Tahara K, Hashida K, Otsuka Y, Ohara S, Kojima K、Shinohara K (2014) Identification of a hydrolyzable tannin, oenothein B, an aluminum-detoxifying ligand in a highly aluminum-resistant tree, Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Plant Physiol 164(2): 683-693 (www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/doi/10.1104/pp.113.222885)
6)Katahata S, Futamura N, Igasaki T, Shinohara K (2014) Functional analysis of SOC1-like and AGL6-like MADS-box genes of the gymnosperm Cryptomeria japonica. Tree Genet Genom 10: 317-327 (DOI 10.1007/s11295-013-0686-9)
7)Moriguchi Y, Saneyoshi U, Higuchi Y, Miyajima D, Itoo S, Futamura N, Shinohara K, Tsumura Y (2014) Establishment of a microsatellite panel covering the sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) genome, and its application for localization of a male sterile gene (ms-2). Molecular Breeding. 33:315-325 (DOI 10.1007/s11032-013-9951-8)
8)Uchiyama K, Iwata H, Moriguchi Y, Ujino-Ihara T, Ueno S, Taguchi Y, Tsubomura M, Mishima K, Iki T, Watanabe A, Futamura N, Shinohara K, Tsumura Y (2013) Demonstration of genome-wide association studies for identifying markers for wood property and male strobili traits in Cryptomeria japonica. PLOS ONE (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079866)
9)Mohri T, Kogawara S, Igasaki T, Nakajima N, Shinohara K (2013) Development of ozone-susceptible transgenic poplar with a sense DNA for 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase. Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 12: 155-156
10)Uchiyama K, Ujino-Ihara T, Ueno S, Taguchi Y, Futamura N, Shinohara K, Tsumura Y (2012) Single nucleotide polymorphisms in Cryptomeria japonica: their discovery and validation for genome mapping and diversity studies. Tree Genet Genom 8: 1213-1222
11)Ueno S, Moriguchi Y, Uchiyama K, Ujino-Ihara T, Futamura N, Sakurai T, Shinohara K, Tsumura Y (2012) A second generation framework for the analysis of microsatellites in expressed sequence tags and the development of EST-SSR markers for a conifer, Cryptomeria japonica. BMC Genomics 13: 136
12)Moriguchi Y, Ujino-Ihara T, Uchiyama K, Futamura N, Saito M, Ueno S, Matsumoto A, Tani N, Taira H, Shinohara K, Tsumura Y (2012) The construction of a high-density linkage map for 1identifying SNP markers that are tightly linked to a nuclear-recessive major gene for male sterility in Cryptomeria japonica D. Don. BMC Genomics 13: 95
13)Mohri T, Kogawara S, Igasaki T, Yasutani I, Aono M, Nakajima N, Shinohara K (2011) Improvement in the ozone tolerance of poplar plants with an antisense DNA for 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase. Plant Biotechnology 28: 417-421
14)篠原健司 (2010) 遺伝子組換えによるスーパー樹木の開発。日本エネルギー学会誌 89: 1160-1165
15)篠原健司 (2010) スギ雄花形成の機構解明と抑制技術。日本森林学会誌 92: 304-309
16)篠原健司 (2010) スギ花粉症対策のための森林科学の方向性。日本森林学会誌 92: 297
17)Moriguchi Y, Ueno S, Ujino-Ihara T, Futamura N, Matsumoto A, Shinohara K, Tsumura Y (2009) Characterization of EST-SSRs from Cryptomeria japonica. Consevation Genetics Resources 1: 373-376
18)Tsuda Y, Ueno S, Ranta J, Salminen K, Ide Y, Shinohara K, Tsumura Y (2009) Development of 11 EST-SSRs for Japanese white birch, Betula platyphylla var. japonica and their transferability to related species. Conservation Genetics 10: 1385-1388
19)Takata N, Saito S, Tanaka-Saito C, Nanjo T, Shinohara K, Uemura M (2009) Molecular phylogeny and expression of poplar circadian clock genes, LHY1 and LHY2. New Phytologist 181: 808-819
20)Futamura N, Totoki Y, Toyoda A, Igasak i T, Nanjo T, Seki M, Sakaki Y, Adoriano M, Shinozaki K, Shinohara K (2008) Characterization of expressed sequence tags from a full-length enriched cDNA library of Cryptomeria japonica male strobili. BMC Genomics 9: 383
21)篠原健司 (2008) 雄性不稔スギ。日本医師会雑誌 136: 1960
22)Shiokawa T, Yamada S, Futamura N, Osanai K, Murasugi D, Shinohara K, Kawai S, Morohoshi N, Katayama Y, Kajita S (2008) Isolation and functional analysis of the CjNdly gene, a homolog in Cryptomeria japonica of FLORICALA/LEAFY genes. Tree Physiol. 28: 21-28
23)Nanjo T, Sakurai T, Totoki Y,Toyoda A, Nishiguchi M, Kado T, Igasaki T, Futamura N, Seki M, Sakaki Y, Shinozaki K, Shinohara K (2007) Fuctional annotation of 20,000 Populus nigra full-length enriched cDNA clones. BMC Genomics 8: 448
24)Fujimura T, Futamura N,,Midoro-Horiuti T, Togawa A, Yasueda H, Saito A, Shinohara K, Masuda K, Kurata K, Sakaguchi M (2007) Isolation and characterization of native Cry j 3 from Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) pollen. Allergy 62: 547-553
25)Igasaki T, Shinohara K (2007) Genetic transformation of tree legume Robinia. In Handbook of New Technologies for Genetic Improvement of Legumes. (Ed. Kirti, P.B.) pp.331-338, Haworth Press, Binghampton, New York
26)Futamura N, Kusunoki Y, Mukai Y, Shinohara K (2007) Characterization of genes for a pollen allergen, Cry j 2, of Cryptomeria japonica. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 143: 59-68
27)Futamura N, Ujino-Ihara T, Nishiguchi M, Kanamori H, Yoshimura K, Sakaguchi M, Shinohara K (2006) Analysis of expressed sequence tags from Cryptomeria japonica pollen reveals novel pollen-specific transcripts. Tree Physiol. 26: 1517-1528
28)Nishiguchi M, Yoshida K, Mohri T, Igasaki T, Shinohara K (2006) An improved transformation system for Lombardy poplar (Populus nigra var. italica). J. For. Res. 11: 175-180
29)Igasaki T, Akashi N, Shinohara K (2006) Somatic embryogenesis in Cryptomeria japonica D. Don: gene for phytosulfokine (PSK) precursor. In Somatic embryogenesis. (Eds. Mujib, A. and Samaj, J.), pp. 201-213, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany
30)Futamura N, Tani N, Tsumura Y, Mukai Y, Nakajima N, Sakaguchi M, Shinohara K (2006) Characterization of genes for novel thaumatin-like proteins in Cryptomeria japonica. Tree Physiol. 26: 51-62
31)Igasaki T, Nagao A, Han Q, Shinohara K (2005) Effects of exogenous gibberellin on the biomass production of lombardy poplar. In Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives. (A. van der Est, D. Bruce eds.) 2: 1042-1043, Allen Press
32)Nanjo T, Futamura N, Nishiguchi M, Igasaki T, Shinozaki K, Shinohara K (2004) Characterization of full-length enriched expressed sequence tags of environmental-stress treated poplar leaves. Plant Cell Physiol. 45: 1738-1748
33)伊ヶ崎知弘・篠原健司 (2004) 環境ストレス耐性樹木の創出に向けた取り組み 日本林学会誌 86: 74-79
34)楠城時彦・篠崎一雄・篠原健司 (2004) ゲノム科学的手法を用いた樹木の環境ストレス応答機構の解明。日本林学会誌 86: 69-73
35)篠原健司・向井譲・小島克己 (2004) 樹木の環境適応とストレスフィジオロジー。日本林学会誌86: 41
36)Igasaki T, Akashi N, Ujino-Ihara T, Matsubayashi Y, Sakagami Y, Shinohara K (2003) Phytosulfokine stimulates somatic embryogenesis in Cryptomeria japonica. Plant Cell Physiol. 44: 1412-1416
37)Igasaki T, Sato T, Akashi N, Mohri T, Maruyama E, Kinoshita I, Walter C, Shinohara K (2003) Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from immature zygotic embryos of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don. Plant Cell Rep. 22: 239-243
38)Han Q, Shinohara K, Kakubari Y, Mukai Y (2003) Photoprotective role of rhodoxanthin during cold acclimation in Cryptomeria japonica. Plant Cell Enviroment 26: 715-723
39)Mohri T, Igasaki T, Shinohara K (2003) Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of paulownia (Paulownia fortunei). Plant Biotechnology 20: 87-91
1)Tahara K, Hiradate S, Hashida K, Shinohara K (2017) An aluminum-resistance mechanism in Eucalyptus camaldulensis: complexation between aluminum and oenothein B in presence of organic acids in vitro. J For Res 22: 261-264, 2017 (DOI 10.1080/13416979.2017.1326656)
2)Tamura M, Hisataka Y, Moritsuka E, Watanabe A, Uchiyama K, Futamura N, Shinohara K, Tsumura Y, Tachida H (2015) Analyses of random BAC clone sequences of Japanese cedar, Cryptomeria japonica. Tree Genet Genom 11: 50-62 (DOI 10.1007 s11295-015-0859-9)
3)Tahara K, Kojima K、Shinohara K (2015) Gel-filtration analysis to detect Al-binding ligands in Eucalyptus camaldulensis. J For Res (DOI 10.1007/s10310-015-0487-0)
4)Kogawara S, Mohri T, Igasaki T, Nakajima N, Shinohara K (2014) Drought and salt stress tolerance of ozone-tolerant transgenic poplar with an antisense DNA for 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase. Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 13: 89-98
5)Tahara K, Hashida K, Otsuka Y, Ohara S, Kojima K、Shinohara K (2014) Identification of a hydrolyzable tannin, oenothein B, an aluminum-detoxifying ligand in a highly aluminum-resistant tree, Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Plant Physiol 164(2): 683-693 (www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/doi/10.1104/pp.113.222885)
6)Katahata S, Futamura N, Igasaki T, Shinohara K (2014) Functional analysis of SOC1-like and AGL6-like MADS-box genes of the gymnosperm Cryptomeria japonica. Tree Genet Genom 10: 317-327 (DOI 10.1007/s11295-013-0686-9)
7)Moriguchi Y, Saneyoshi U, Higuchi Y, Miyajima D, Itoo S, Futamura N, Shinohara K, Tsumura Y (2014) Establishment of a microsatellite panel covering the sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) genome, and its application for localization of a male sterile gene (ms-2). Molecular Breeding. 33:315-325 (DOI 10.1007/s11032-013-9951-8)
8)Uchiyama K, Iwata H, Moriguchi Y, Ujino-Ihara T, Ueno S, Taguchi Y, Tsubomura M, Mishima K, Iki T, Watanabe A, Futamura N, Shinohara K, Tsumura Y (2013) Demonstration of genome-wide association studies for identifying markers for wood property and male strobili traits in Cryptomeria japonica. PLOS ONE (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0079866)
9)Mohri T, Kogawara S, Igasaki T, Nakajima N, Shinohara K (2013) Development of ozone-susceptible transgenic poplar with a sense DNA for 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase. Bulletin of the Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute 12: 155-156
10)Uchiyama K, Ujino-Ihara T, Ueno S, Taguchi Y, Futamura N, Shinohara K, Tsumura Y (2012) Single nucleotide polymorphisms in Cryptomeria japonica: their discovery and validation for genome mapping and diversity studies. Tree Genet Genom 8: 1213-1222
11)Ueno S, Moriguchi Y, Uchiyama K, Ujino-Ihara T, Futamura N, Sakurai T, Shinohara K, Tsumura Y (2012) A second generation framework for the analysis of microsatellites in expressed sequence tags and the development of EST-SSR markers for a conifer, Cryptomeria japonica. BMC Genomics 13: 136
12)Moriguchi Y, Ujino-Ihara T, Uchiyama K, Futamura N, Saito M, Ueno S, Matsumoto A, Tani N, Taira H, Shinohara K, Tsumura Y (2012) The construction of a high-density linkage map for 1identifying SNP markers that are tightly linked to a nuclear-recessive major gene for male sterility in Cryptomeria japonica D. Don. BMC Genomics 13: 95
13)Mohri T, Kogawara S, Igasaki T, Yasutani I, Aono M, Nakajima N, Shinohara K (2011) Improvement in the ozone tolerance of poplar plants with an antisense DNA for 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate synthase. Plant Biotechnology 28: 417-421
14)篠原健司 (2010) 遺伝子組換えによるスーパー樹木の開発。日本エネルギー学会誌 89: 1160-1165
15)篠原健司 (2010) スギ雄花形成の機構解明と抑制技術。日本森林学会誌 92: 304-309
16)篠原健司 (2010) スギ花粉症対策のための森林科学の方向性。日本森林学会誌 92: 297
17)Moriguchi Y, Ueno S, Ujino-Ihara T, Futamura N, Matsumoto A, Shinohara K, Tsumura Y (2009) Characterization of EST-SSRs from Cryptomeria japonica. Consevation Genetics Resources 1: 373-376
18)Tsuda Y, Ueno S, Ranta J, Salminen K, Ide Y, Shinohara K, Tsumura Y (2009) Development of 11 EST-SSRs for Japanese white birch, Betula platyphylla var. japonica and their transferability to related species. Conservation Genetics 10: 1385-1388
19)Takata N, Saito S, Tanaka-Saito C, Nanjo T, Shinohara K, Uemura M (2009) Molecular phylogeny and expression of poplar circadian clock genes, LHY1 and LHY2. New Phytologist 181: 808-819
20)Futamura N, Totoki Y, Toyoda A, Igasak i T, Nanjo T, Seki M, Sakaki Y, Adoriano M, Shinozaki K, Shinohara K (2008) Characterization of expressed sequence tags from a full-length enriched cDNA library of Cryptomeria japonica male strobili. BMC Genomics 9: 383
21)篠原健司 (2008) 雄性不稔スギ。日本医師会雑誌 136: 1960
22)Shiokawa T, Yamada S, Futamura N, Osanai K, Murasugi D, Shinohara K, Kawai S, Morohoshi N, Katayama Y, Kajita S (2008) Isolation and functional analysis of the CjNdly gene, a homolog in Cryptomeria japonica of FLORICALA/LEAFY genes. Tree Physiol. 28: 21-28
23)Nanjo T, Sakurai T, Totoki Y,Toyoda A, Nishiguchi M, Kado T, Igasaki T, Futamura N, Seki M, Sakaki Y, Shinozaki K, Shinohara K (2007) Fuctional annotation of 20,000 Populus nigra full-length enriched cDNA clones. BMC Genomics 8: 448
24)Fujimura T, Futamura N,,Midoro-Horiuti T, Togawa A, Yasueda H, Saito A, Shinohara K, Masuda K, Kurata K, Sakaguchi M (2007) Isolation and characterization of native Cry j 3 from Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica) pollen. Allergy 62: 547-553
25)Igasaki T, Shinohara K (2007) Genetic transformation of tree legume Robinia. In Handbook of New Technologies for Genetic Improvement of Legumes. (Ed. Kirti, P.B.) pp.331-338, Haworth Press, Binghampton, New York
26)Futamura N, Kusunoki Y, Mukai Y, Shinohara K (2007) Characterization of genes for a pollen allergen, Cry j 2, of Cryptomeria japonica. International Archives of Allergy and Immunology 143: 59-68
27)Futamura N, Ujino-Ihara T, Nishiguchi M, Kanamori H, Yoshimura K, Sakaguchi M, Shinohara K (2006) Analysis of expressed sequence tags from Cryptomeria japonica pollen reveals novel pollen-specific transcripts. Tree Physiol. 26: 1517-1528
28)Nishiguchi M, Yoshida K, Mohri T, Igasaki T, Shinohara K (2006) An improved transformation system for Lombardy poplar (Populus nigra var. italica). J. For. Res. 11: 175-180
29)Igasaki T, Akashi N, Shinohara K (2006) Somatic embryogenesis in Cryptomeria japonica D. Don: gene for phytosulfokine (PSK) precursor. In Somatic embryogenesis. (Eds. Mujib, A. and Samaj, J.), pp. 201-213, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany
30)Futamura N, Tani N, Tsumura Y, Mukai Y, Nakajima N, Sakaguchi M, Shinohara K (2006) Characterization of genes for novel thaumatin-like proteins in Cryptomeria japonica. Tree Physiol. 26: 51-62
31)Igasaki T, Nagao A, Han Q, Shinohara K (2005) Effects of exogenous gibberellin on the biomass production of lombardy poplar. In Photosynthesis: Fundamental Aspects to Global Perspectives. (A. van der Est, D. Bruce eds.) 2: 1042-1043, Allen Press
32)Nanjo T, Futamura N, Nishiguchi M, Igasaki T, Shinozaki K, Shinohara K (2004) Characterization of full-length enriched expressed sequence tags of environmental-stress treated poplar leaves. Plant Cell Physiol. 45: 1738-1748
33)伊ヶ崎知弘・篠原健司 (2004) 環境ストレス耐性樹木の創出に向けた取り組み 日本林学会誌 86: 74-79
34)楠城時彦・篠崎一雄・篠原健司 (2004) ゲノム科学的手法を用いた樹木の環境ストレス応答機構の解明。日本林学会誌 86: 69-73
35)篠原健司・向井譲・小島克己 (2004) 樹木の環境適応とストレスフィジオロジー。日本林学会誌86: 41
36)Igasaki T, Akashi N, Ujino-Ihara T, Matsubayashi Y, Sakagami Y, Shinohara K (2003) Phytosulfokine stimulates somatic embryogenesis in Cryptomeria japonica. Plant Cell Physiol. 44: 1412-1416
37)Igasaki T, Sato T, Akashi N, Mohri T, Maruyama E, Kinoshita I, Walter C, Shinohara K (2003) Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from immature zygotic embryos of Cryptomeria japonica D. Don. Plant Cell Rep. 22: 239-243
38)Han Q, Shinohara K, Kakubari Y, Mukai Y (2003) Photoprotective role of rhodoxanthin during cold acclimation in Cryptomeria japonica. Plant Cell Enviroment 26: 715-723
39)Mohri T, Igasaki T, Shinohara K (2003) Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of paulownia (Paulownia fortunei). Plant Biotechnology 20: 87-91