SH-CCT diagrams for welding and continuous cooling transformation behaviour for ductile cast iron
International Journal of Cast Metals Research
- ,
- 巻
- 10
- 号
- 2
- 開始ページ
- 99
- 終了ページ
- 103
- 記述言語
- 英語
- 掲載種別
- 10.1080/13640461.1997.11819224
- 出版者・発行元
- Maney Publishing
The purpose of this study is to clarify the continuous cooling transformation behaviour of the HAZ (Heat-Affected Zone) of a ductile cast iron according to JIS FCD700. For this purpose, two SH-CCT diagrams (Continuous Cooling Transformation Diagrams for simulated HAZ) for welding were prepared at a maximum temperature of 1223 K corresponding to a region of the HAZ near the base metal, and of 1323 K corresponding to a region of the HAZ near the fusion line. Ferrite and pearlite transformation regions in the SH-CCT diagram at 1323 K occurred after a longer time than those at 1223 K. A Bainite transformation region existed only in the SH-CCT diagram of 1223 K. Martensite transformation temperature is about 530 K for both of the simulated HAZs. These effects will be because of non-homogeneous carbon distribution in austenite near the graphite caused by the dissolution and growth of graphite during the heating and cooling in a welding thermal cycle. The range of cooling times when the hardness drops rapidly was about 10 s to 60 s in both simulated HAZs. It seems that the hardenability of the simulated HAZ prepared at 1323 K is a little greater than at 1223 K.
- ID情報
- DOI : 10.1080/13640461.1997.11819224
- ISSN : 1364-0461
- identifiers.cinii_nr_id : 9000239248799
- SCOPUS ID : 24044499349