Yoshihisa TODA
(戸田 善久)
Modified on: 2024/02/14
Profile Information
- Affiliation
- Professor, School of Dentistry Department of Dentistry -, Nihon University
- Researcher number
- 20059413
- 200901078142901096
- researchmap Member ID
- 1000085496
Research Interests
6Research Areas
4Research History
1977 - Present
1973 - 1977
1972 - 1973
1968 - 1972
1956 - 1968
1Committee Memberships
1985 - 1985
1982 - 1982
1980 - 1980
Anat Rec, 279A 708-719, 2004 Peer-reviewed
日本歯科医学会誌, (21) 81-82, 2002 Peer-reviewed
J Edu Appl Info Tech, 5(1) 10-12, 2002 Peer-reviewed
Journal of Oral Science, 43(2) 109, 2001 Peer-reviewed
第19回日本歯科医学教育学会学術大会, 2000 Peer-reviewed
Journal of Oral Science, 42(3) 63, 2000 Peer-reviewed
40th American Society for Cell BiologyAnnual meeting, 42(3) 169-175, 2000
American Society of Cell Biology, 2000
Nihon University Dental Journal, 73(5) 660, 1999 Peer-reviewed
歯科基礎医学会, 41(Suppl) 89, 1999 Peer-reviewed
Acta Anatomica Nipponica, 71(1) 142, 1999 Peer-reviewed
日本大学歯学部同窓会雑誌, 43(5) 20-21, 1999 Peer-reviewed
日大歯学, 72(5) 700, 1998 Peer-reviewed
日大歯学, 72(5) 700, 1998 Peer-reviewed
J. Oral Sci., 40(1) 17-23-23, 1998 Peer-reviewed
Journal of Oral Science, 40(4) 153-157, 1998 Peer-reviewed
Nihon University Dental Journal, 72(5) 700, 1998 Peer-reviewed
Monoclonal antibody production by in vitro immunization with chicken embryonic heart explant cultureNihon University Dental Journal, 72(5) 700, 1998 Peer-reviewed
Molecular Biology of the Cell, 9(suppl) 171A, 1998
Books and Other Publications
わかば出版,東京, 2001
16th International Congress of IFAA, Aug, 2004
第56回日本大学歯学会, May, 2004
42nd Annual Meeting of ASCB, Dec, 2003
42nd Annual Meeting of ASCB, Dec, 2003
日本大学歯学部学術フロンティア推進事業研究成果中間報告会, 2003
第10回情報教育方法研究発表会, Jul 6, 2002
山東大學創立100周年記念フォーラム, Oct, 2001