

Mechanisms of E2FBP1 mediated intrinsic cellular defense and the dissociation of promyelocytic leukemia protein nuclear bodies (PML-NBs) on the infection of human herpes simplex virus-1.


E2FBP1/hDRIL1, an A/T-rich DNA binding domain (ARID) family transcription factor is ubiquitously expressed in human tissues and plays an essential role in maintaining the proliferation potential of HDF cells through dissociating promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies (PML-NBs). We found that E2FBP1 suppresses expression of icp0 gene from HSV-1 upon the infection to HDF cells although E2FBP1 is targeted by ICP0, that is the breaking factor to ICD, through its herpes-ubiquitin ligase activity. These features of E2FBP1 meet the criteria as a factor for ICD. However, the major issue why ICD is only occurs in HDF cells but in transformed and established cell lines. According to the previous papers, some components from PML-NBs are thought to be responsible for ICD. Thus we are now investigating functional interactions between E2FBP1 and the components from PML-NBs upon ICD.