Gohta Takahashi
(高橋 剛太)
Modified on: 2024/04/17
Profile Information
Research Interests
2Research Areas
日本歯科医師会雑誌, 57巻4号, 2004
日本歯科保存学会雑誌, 46(3) 488-489, 2003
JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS, 27(5) 343-346, May, 2001
日本歯科保存学会雑誌, 44(1) 44-47, 2001
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 44(1) 44-47, 2001
鶴見歯学, 25(2) 217-223, 1999
Tsurumi University Dental Journal, 25(2) 217-223, 1999
日本歯科保存学会雑誌, 41(2) 467-471, 1998
日本歯科保存学会雑誌, 41(6) 1187-1193, 1998
日本臨床歯内療法学会雑誌, 19(1) 10, 1998
日本歯科保存学雑誌, 41(2) 394, 1998
日本歯科保存学雑誌, 41(2) 467, 1998
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 41(2) 467-471, 1998
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 41(6) 1187-1193, 1998
Journal of Japan Endodonfic Association, 19(1) 10, 1998
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 41(2) 394-400, 1998
The Japanese Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 41(2) 467, 1998
The Japanese Journal of Conservative dentistry