Research Projects

Apr, 2014 - Mar, 2018

Acquisition and application using geometry big data by multiple robots with high-resolution laser scanner

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A)

Grant number
Japan Grant Number (JGN)
Grant amount
40,950,000 Japanese Yen
(Direct funding)
31,500,000 Japanese Yen
(Indirect funding)
9,450,000 Japanese Yen

In this research, we developed a 3D scanning system using multiple robots named CPS-VIII, which combines the laser measurement technique using multiple robots called CPS-SLAM and a high-precision 3D laser scanner. This system is able to acquire geometrical big data consisting of trillions of 3D points. The experimental results showed that the accuracy for CPS-VIII is 0.0085 % of the distance traveled, which means the error is 0.0231 m after the robot moved 270.1 m. In addition, we developed large-scale geometrical big data of urban area and surrounding area of Fukuoka city and provided them on the web. Furthermore, we developed space/road categorization techniques for autonomous vehicles and mobile robots, and proposed high precision recognition techniques using convolutional neural networks and the combination of multiple machine learning techniques.

Link information
ID information
  • Grant number : 26249029
  • Japan Grant Number (JGN) : JP26249029