Research Projects

Apr, 2011 - Mar, 2014

Development of automated multi-dimensional map construction system using multiple mobile robots

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)

Grant number
Japan Grant Number (JGN)
Grant amount
17,810,000 Japanese Yen
(Direct funding)
13,700,000 Japanese Yen
(Indirect funding)
4,110,000 Japanese Yen

In this research, we applied the CPS-SLAM (Cooperative Positioning System - Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) technology, which has been developed for digital archive of cultural heritages, for the construction of a precise map for an outdoor mobile robot, and developed a fully automated multi-dimensional map construction system for a robot by a robot. To develop the proposed system, we conducted the following research topics: 1) automatic planning of cooperative positioning system (CPS), 2) development of high precision measurement system, 3) development of mobile platform for long distance measurement, 4) automatic planning of laser measurement strategy, and 5) construction of multi-dimensional environmental map including dynamic change.

Link information
ID information
  • Grant number : 23360115
  • Japan Grant Number (JGN) : JP23360115