Researchers who have registered "The University of Tokyo" with "Education". 30 items 30 items60 items90 items120 items150 items Kei Imai Sapporo City University Acute and Critical Care Nursing Kota Fukuda Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo Earthquake Research Institute Earthquake Prediction Research Center 特別研究員 Aafaq Nazir The University of Tokyo Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow BAIRUI DU The University of Tokyo Department of Computational Biology and Medical Sciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences shohei kawanaka National Institute of Technology, Yonago Collage Department of Integrated Engineering, Architectural Design Course 助教 Taiga SUZUKI National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology Information Technology and Human Factors / Human Augmentation Research Center Researcher Miyuki Onuki Japan Society for the Promotion of Science 国際事業部(※東京大学より在籍出向) Colin Jeffrey ANTHONY The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Doctoral Fellow Toshiya Komatsu The University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Engineering Department of Urban Engineering 博士課程 学生 Akira Shimabukuro Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government Faculty Shenyi BAI The University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Engineering Department of System Innovation Kousei Sakata Hitachi, Ltd., Research & Development Group Yoshiaki Kanamori The University of Tokyo 大学院医学系研究科 健康科学・看護学専攻 精神看護学分野 Ryuya Iida The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Department of Computational Biology and Medical Sciences Nana Takemoto The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology doctoral student Ryoko Matsuyama The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences 博士課程 Yusuke Yamazaki The University of Tokyo The Graduate School of Engineering Department of Nuclear Engineering and Management Koki Shoda The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Frontier Sciences Department of Human and Engineered Environmental Studies Hiroh Ito Institute for Quantitative Biosciences, The University of Tokyo Simin Liu The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology Hiroki Kitaoka The University of Tokyo Department of Reproductive, Developmental and Aging Science, Graduate School of Medicine Ph.D Student Qian Yu The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology Dong-gyu SONG The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology Asian Studies Indian Literature, Indian Philosophy and Buddhist Studies Graduate students (Doctoral program) Taiga Uchida The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Science Department of Biological Sciences Nozomi Takeda The University of Tokyo Division of Economics, Graduate School Ph.D. Student Makoto Suzuki Nagano University Faculty of Business and Information 教授 Riki Kawabata Department of Integrated Biosciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo 修士課程1年 Hiroto Fukui The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences Veterinary Medical Sciences Chika EZURE The University of Tokyo Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies Jun YOKOYAMA The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies Cultural and Human Information Studies Course 12345»