
査読有り 最終著者

An attempt of using public ambient temperature data in swine genetic evaluation for litter size traits at birth in Japan

Animal Production Science
  • Hitomi Hara
  • ,
  • Shinichiro Ogawa
  • ,
  • Chika Ohnishi
  • ,
  • Kazuo Ishii
  • ,
  • Yoshinobu Umoto
  • ,
  • Masahiro Satoh

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

To obtain the fundamental information on using ambient temperature information in developing the model for routine swine genetic evaluation in Japan, we analyzed total number born (TNB), number born alive (NBA), and number stillborn (NSB) collected at a Japanese farm, together with off-farm ambient temperature measured at a nearest Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System station. Five repeatability animal models were exploited, considering the effects of farrowing season (model 1), farrowing month (model 2), quadratic regressions of daily maximum ambient temperature of farrowing day (model 3), season and temperature (model 4), or month and temperature (model 5). Patterns of the effects of daily maximum temperature of farrowing day estimated using model 3 was similar to those of farrowing season by model 1 and those of farrowing month by model 2. Adding the effect of daily maximum temperature of farrowing day (models 4 and 5) could explain phenotypic variability greater than only considering either of farrowing season and month (models 1 and 2). Estimated heritability was stable among the models and the rank correlation of predicted breeding values between models was >0.98 for all traits. The results indicate the possibility that using public ambient temperature can capture a large part of the phenotypic variability in litter size traits at birth caused by the seasonality in Japan and do not harm, at least, the performance of genetic evaluation. This study could support the availability of public meteorological data in flexible developing operational models for future swine genetic evaluation in Japan.

  • DOI : 10.1101/2022.02.09.479814
