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特任准教授, Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science, Nanoscience, 千葉大学大学院融合科学研究科ナノサイエンス専攻, Chiba University

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I, Toyo Kazu Yamada, started my research from 1998. When I was a Master student (1998-2000) I developed a Mott detector for visualizing surface magnetic domains by combining with SEM (scanning electron microscopy), which is so-called spin-polarized SEM (or SEMPA). During that time, Prof. Dr. Tadashi Mizoguchi and Dr. Jun Fujii were my supervisors (Gakushuin University, Tokyo). From 2000 till 2004, I was a PhD student of Radboud University Nijmegen (Prof. Dr. Herman van Kempen, The Netherlands) and Gakushuin University (Prof. Dr. Tadashi Mizoguchi, Japan): double degree program. I developed spin-polarized STM (scanning tunneling microscopy). Atomic-size magnetic domain structures of ultra thin layerwise antiferromagnetically coupled Mn films on Fe(001) were deeply studied at 300 K in UHV. During 2004-2008, after I got two PhD degrees, I got a JSPS research fellow (PD) position, and subsequently got an Assistant Professor position at Gakushuin University, where X-ray, AFM, VSM, Kerr, and many experimental setup treatments for education were learned. After the hard time due to too much education matter, I decided to go to Germany to join exciting researches. I was studying with Prof. Dr. Wulf Wulfhekel at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in 2008-2010 as a Humboldt research fellow. I have studied organic molecules by using spin-polarized STM and found that single phthalocyanine molecules can be the smallest magneto resistance sensor. Also, magneto electric coupling (bcc-fcc phase switching by electric field) was found on the surface of Fe nano islands on Cu(111). Further, high and low spin state in the spin crossover molecules was tuned by injecting electrons from the STM tip. In 2010, I got a Tenure-Track Associate Professor position at Chiba Univ. in Japan, and in 2015, I got the Tenure. Starting from 2010, in Chiba Univ., I opened my lab. So far (-2018), four home-built UHV-STM setups (three low temperatures and one room temperature) have been developed. Using these setups combined with spin-polarized STM techniques, now, we are studying single magnetic atoms, organic molecules, graphene nanoribbons, Fe/MgO interface, nano magnets on s-wave superconductor, and life molecules.

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