Profile Information

Professor, Faculty of International Research and Education Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Waseda University
M.A.(Stanford University (USA))
Ph.D.(Cornell University (USA))

Researcher number
researchmap Member ID

Professor, Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies, Waseda University

1.     Academic Area: Comparative and International Education

2.     Research Themes

Education and International Development, International Cooperation in Education, Global Governance of Education, International Higher Education, Inclusive Education

3.     Educational and Professional History

Waseda University (B.A. 1989), Stanford University (M.A. 1993), Cornell University (Ph.D. 1996). Overseas Development Council (Washington, D.C.) (1996-97), World Bank (1996-97), Hiroshima University (1997-2003), GSAPS, Waseda University (2003-)

4.     Academic Experiences

Visiting Research Fellow, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development (2008-present). Visiting Professor, the University of Tokyo (2010-2012). Executive Director, Japan Comparative Education Society (JCES) (2017-present). Chair, Research Standing Committee, World Council of Comparative Education Societies (WCCES) (2019-present). Director, Japan Society for International Development (JASID) (2008-present), International Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Educational Development (2004-present), Advisory Editorial Board Member, Global Comparative Education (2017-present), Editorial Board Member, UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report (2016), Editorial Advisory Board Member, Peabody Journal of Education (2003-2015), Editor-in-Chief, Journal of International Development Studies (JASID) (2014-2017), Editor-in-Chief, Africa Education Research (2014-2016)

5.     Professional Experiences

Trustee, Waseda University (2022-present), Dean, Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Waseda University (2020-2022), Dean, International Affairs Division, Waseda University (2014-2018) Dean, Center for International Education, Waseda University (2010-2012), Member, Committee on MEXT Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sciences and Technology  (MEXT) (2019-present), Member, Committee on International Student Policy (MEXT) (2022-2023), Member, Council on Promotion of International Cooperation in Education, MEXT (2014-2016), Chair, Grant Appeals Board on UNESCO Activities, MEXT (2014-2019), Deputy Chair, Committee on Social Sciences and Humanities. Japanese National Commission for UNESCO (2012-2016), Councilor, Asian Cultural Center for UNESCO, (2009-present), Member, Liaison Council on International Cooperation in Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2008-present)

6.     Recent Authored, Edited and Co-edited Volumes

Migration and Mobility in Asia Pacific Higher Education (2012) by Palgrave Macmillan, Asian Regional Governance of Higher Education (2013) by Keisoshobo, Emerging International Dimensions in East Asian Higher Education (2014) by Springer, UENSCO International Education Policy Series Vol. 1-12 (2014-2016) by Toshindo, Japan’s International Cooperation in Education: History and Prospects by the University of Tokyo Press (2019) and by Springer (2022), Sustainable Development Disciplines for Humanity by Springer (2023), History of Japan's International Cooperation in Education - Principles, Policies and Practices Crossing Borders by the University of Tokyo Press (2023).

7.      Awards: U21 Award (UNIVERSITAS21, 2019), Special Award (Japan Society for International Development, 2020)

Research History


Committee Memberships






Books and Other Publications




Research Projects



  • Presentations at Academic Conferences Kazuo Kuroda, “Disabilities and Inclusive Education in the Context of SDGs” May 22nd, 2019 XVII World Congress of Comparative Education Societies “The Future of Education” Cancun, 2019 Kazuo Kuroda, “Inclusive Education as a Quality Strategy for Achieving SDGs Goal 4” August 7th, 2019, World Education Research Association Focal Meeting10th Anniversary, Gakushuin University, Tokyo Kazuo Kuroda “Globalization and the Development of Global Governance of Education - A Typology of Approaches” April 18th, 2019, The 63rd Annual Conference of Comparative and International Education Society (CIES), San Francisco, USA Kazuo Kuroda “Cross-border Collaborative Degree Programs in Asia- Implications from JICA RI conducted survey for 1000 programs” Mar. 28th 2019 Session organized by UMAP (University Mobility in Asia Pacific), APAIE (Asia Pacific Association for International Education) Annual Conference and Exhibition in Kuala Lumpur "Global Governance of Inclusive Education: Background of JICA RI Study" Mar. 8, 2018 JICA Panel on Disability and Inclusive Education in Asian Developing Countries at the 62nd Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference (Mexico City) "Global Governance of Inclusive Education: A Case of Cambodia" Dec. 11-12, 2017 JICA Panel on Disability and Inclusive Education in Developing Countries at World Congress on Special Needs Education (University of Cambridge, UK) "Global Governance of Inclusive Education as Quality Strategy" Mar. 8, 2017 JICA Panel on Disability and Inclusive Education in Developing Countries at the 61st Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference (Atlanta) "Disability and Inclusive Education in Mongolia" Mar. 7, 2016 Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (Vancouver) "Exploring Long-term Impact of Study Abroad and Fostering a Global Minded Workforce" 2016年3月2日 Asia Pacific Association for International Education Annual Conference (Melbourne) "Japan’s Educational Cooperation Policies and its Implications for a Post-2015 World" (With Dr. Hayashi Makiko) 2016年1月25日 Comparative Education Society of Asia (De Lasalle University, Manila) 「海外留学の長期的なインパクト:キャリア、能力・スキル、意識・行動、人生の満足度」(渡部由紀・新見有紀子・太田浩(一橋大学)芦沢真五(東洋大学)との共同発表) 2015年6月13日日本比較教育学会第51回全国大会(宇都宮大学) 「途上国における障害児教育-インクルージョンと「特殊」の狭間で 2015年6月12日日本比較教育学会第51回全国大会(宇都宮大学)ラウンドテーブル "Disability and Inclusive Education for the Post-2015 Agenda Setting" 2015年3月12日 Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (Washington DC) "Equity, Quality and Policy Process: How to Monitor the Post 2015 Education Framework? " 2015年3月10 日 Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (Washington DC) 黒田一雄 「困難な状況にある子どもの教育-インクルーシブ教育の課題と可能性」 2014年11月国際開発学会第25回全国大会(千葉大学) "The Institutional Prospects of Cross-Border Higher Education for East Asian Regional Integration: An Analysis of the JICA Survey of Leading Universities in East Asia" 2014年7月日本比較教育学会第50回全国大会(名古屋大学)ラウンドテーブル "Perception Gap in Inclusive Education and Special Education -Focusing on pupils with disability in Malawi- " (with Jun Kawaguchi) 2012年7月 Africa-Asia Educational Collaborative Research Symposium (早稲田大学) organized by Africa-Asia University Dialogue for Educational Development “Cross-border higher education for regional integration: Analysis of the JICA-RI survey for leading universities in East Asia. “ (with Yuki Takako and Kyuwon Kang) 2011年5月 Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (Montreal) “Modeling Cross-border Higher Education in East Asia” (with Yuki Takako) 2010年12月International Higher Education Forum 2010 (上智大学) “Cross-border Higher Education for Regional Integration: Analysis of the JICA Survey for Leading Universities in East Asia” (with Yuki Takako and Kyuwon Kang) 2010年12月国際開発学会第21回全国大会 (早稲田大学) “Political and Economic Implications of Cross-Border Higher Education in the Context of Asian Regional Integration” (with Yuki Takako and Kyuwon Kang) 2010年6月日本比較教育学会第46回全国大会(神戸大学) “Development Studies and Comparative Education: Contrasting characteristics among articles on education in developing countries appeared in various academic journals “ (with Jun Kawaguchi) 2010 年6月 World Congress of Comparative Education Societies (Istanbul) “Political and Economic Implications of Cross-Border Higher Education in the Context of Asian Regional Integration” (with Yuki Takako and Kyuwon Kang) 2010 年6月 World Congress of Comparative Education Societies (Istanbul) “Cross-border Higher Education in East Asia; Empirical Analysis of Asian Leading Universities and International Collaborative Degree Programs” (with Yuki Takako and Kyuwon Kang) 2010年3月 Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (Chicago) “Transnational Education in the Context of Asian Regional Integration” (with David Passarelli) 2009年9月 10th UKFIET Oxford International Conference on Education and Development 「アジアの高等教育におけるリージョナリズムの実証的考察」 2009年6月日本比較教育学会第45回全国大会(東京学芸大学) “Searching for new Asian regional frameworks in higher education – issues and prospects” 2009年3月Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (Charleston) “Integrating Asia through International Higher Education - Concepts and Prospects” 2008年10月 3rd Worldwide Forum for Comparative Education (Beijing Normal University) 「アジア教育協力フレームワークの構築」 2008年7月 早稲田大学グローバルCOE「アジア地域統合のための世界的人材育成拠点」共同研究大会 「アジア地域協力・地域統合のための国際高等教育フレームワークの展開-予備的考察」 2008年6月 日本比較教育学会第44回全国大会(東北大学) “International Cooperation and Waseda University: Recent Development and Future Prospects” Paper presented at UNIVERSITAS 21 Workshop on MDGs (University College Dublin) 2008.5 「障害児とEFA-インクルーシブ教育の課題と可能性」 2008年4月 第一回アフリカ教育研究フォーラム(広島大学) “Evaluating Japanese Educational Cooperation: Implications for international policy discussions in 2008“ 2008年3月Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (New York) “Trends of International Higher Education in Asia - What can we achieve through transnational education within Asia?” 2008年3月Asia Pacific Association for International Education Annual Conference 「アジアの地域協力・地域統合のための国際高等教育フレームワークの構築を目指して」 2008年1月早稲田大学グローバルCOEプログラム「アジア地域統合のための世界的人材育成拠点」早稲田大学国際部共催 アジア国際高等教育シンポジウム 「『東アジア共同体』形成における国際教育交流の役割と理念」 2007年6月日本比較教育学会第43回全国大会(筑波大学) “International Student Mobility for the Formation of an East Asian Community“ 2007年3月Comparative and International Education Society Annual Conference (Baltimore) “International Student Mobility and an East Asian Community“ 2007年1月 Comparative Education Society of Asia Biennial Conference (University of Hong Kong) 「東アジア共同体形成のための国際教育交流」 2005年12月早稲田大学21世紀COE国際公開シンポジウム「東アジア共同体のダイナミズム」 「現代アジア学における高等教育研究の予備的考察」 2005年12月早稲田大学21世紀COE「現代アジア学の創生」第2回共同研究大会 「東アジア高等教育研究に向けた理論的視座と政策的視座-共同体形成のため研究課題の模索」 2005年9月中国・南開大学日本研究院主催国際シンポジウム『東アジアにおける教育改革と交流』 “Strategies for Promoting Virtual Higher Education: General Considerations on Africa and Asia” 2005年8月 2nd Worldwide Comparative Education Forum (北京師範大学) 「日本における国際教育開発論の構築と新たなる展開」 2005年6月 日本比較教育学会第41回大会(日本大学)ラウンドテーブルにて発表 “The Politics of BEGIN: Developments and New Directions of Japanese Educational Aid Policy” 2003年9月 Oxford International Conference on Education and Development “Formulating Japan’s Policies for International Cooperation for Education” 2003年3月 Comparative and International Education Society (New Orleans) 「発展途上国における女子教育の阻害要因と振興策に関する一考察」 2002年7月 日本比較教育学会(九州大学) 「日本・東アジアの教育経験の発展途上国への移転可能性研究に関する試論」 2001年12月 第5回国際教育協力フォーラム “Educational Productivity Research in the Contexts of Developed and Developing Countries” 2001年9月Comparative Education Society of Asia Conference(Taipei Normal University) 「日本の新たな教育協力-タンザニア・スクールマッピングの経験」 2001年7月 日本比較教育学会第37回大会(京都大学)ラウンドテーブル「アフリカの教育と国際協力」 「発展途上国における教育政策統計調査の運営方法に関する一考察」 2001年7月 日本比較教育学会第37回大会(京都大学) 「アフリカ7カ国における初等教育就学児童の読解力の男女間格差に関する統計的考察」 2000年6月 日本比較教育学会第36回大会(早稲田大学) 「発展途上国における女子教育の教育経済学的考察」 2000年6月 日本比較教育学会第36回大会(早稲田大学)ラウンドテーブル組織・発表 “Potentials of Japanese Educational Aid to Developing Countries” 2000年3月Comparative and International Education Society (Washington, DC) シンポジア組織・発表 “Meeting Manpower Needs: Roles of Nonformal Education in Thailand” 1998年3月Comparative and International Education Society (Buffalo) “Priorities of Educational Policy for Economic Development” 1997年3月Comparative and International Education Society Mexico City大会にて発表 “The Impact of the Educational Gender Gap on Economic Development in Cross Section of Countries” 1996年9月日本国際政治学会/International Studies Association 幕張合同大会にて発表 "Statistical Analysis of Objectives of Official Development Assistance" 1996年4月Association for Asian Studies Honolulu 大会にて発表 "Education for Economic Development in Cross Section of Countries" 1996年3月22nd Annual Third World Conference Chicago大会にて発表 "Women's Education for Economic Development in Cross Section of Countries" 1996年3月 Comparative and International Education Society Williamsburg大会にて発表 ERIC Database No. ED397481 "Financing Education for Economic Development in Cross Section of Countries" 1995年11月Global Conference on Poverty Alleviation and Social Development (Association for the Advancement of Policy, Research and Development in the Third World主催) Las Vegas大会にて発表 ERIC Database No. ED397480 "Effective Schools Research from Japanese Perspective" 1995年10月Comparative and International Education Society North-East/Mid-West Regional Conference (Buffalo) にて発表 ERIC Database No. ED397482 "Allocating Resources to Academic or Vocational Secondary Education for Economic Development?" 1995年10月Comparative and International Education Society North-East/Mid-West Regional Conference (Buffalo) にて発表 ERIC Database No. ED397484 "Foreign Study for Development or Dependency of Developing Countries?" 1995年3月American Educational Research Association San Francisco 大会にて発表 ERIC Database No. ED397485 "A Comparative Analysis of Aid Policies for Human Resource Development: United States and Japan" (with Sarah Pickert) 1995年2月International Studies Association Chicago 大会にて発表 ERIC Database No. ED397483