


  • 八幡 成美


In order to consider how manufacturing engineers and maintenance technicians capable of working effectively at overseas manufacturing bases can be trained, cases at Mitsubishi Electric Corporationʼs Manufacturing Engineering Center and Human Resources Development Center were examined. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation is a major electronics manufacturer covering many business fields, including heavy electrical systems, industrial mechatronics, informationand telecommunication systems, electronic devices and home electric appliances. Together with consolidated subsidiaries, they employ approximately 124,000 workers in total. Traditionally, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation has been working hard to train quality engineers and technicians. In the mid-1980ʼs, they founded an engineering center (kogaku-juku) to train elite engineers with high morals. The Executive Development Program of Mitsubishi Electric Business Innovation School (MBIS) continues this tradition. The Manufacturing Engineering Center was formerly the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory, which was spun off from the Central Research Laboratory. Based on the companyʼs medium-term manufacturing engineering objectives, the Manufacturing Engineering Center serves as the manufacturing engineering supportingunit helping manufacturing departments at both domestic and overseas business divisions and factories. The Manufacturing Engineering Center also works to develop and continue manufacturing technologies and promote technology transfers within the Mitsubishi group companies. Basically, the technologies are transferred through rotatingmanufacturing engineers between different operational sections. For training engineers, newly employed workers undergo a one-year training program, consisting of lectures on basic management and specialized skills. Then, they pair with experienced engineers and undergo on-thejob training (OJT) for two years. After this three years period, workers join the Mitsubishi Electric Engineering Society, where they continue to improve their knowledge and skills. Newly employed workers need seven or eight years to become full-fledged manufacturing engineers capable of discussing on an equalfooting with design engineers and experiencedfactory supervisors. Mitsubishi, however, has a fairly open corporate culture, where employees are beginning to work more flexibly. The company also has clear training objectives. For training technicians, the Mitsubishi Electric Group Technical Competition is important. Mitsubishi has always valued technical skills. In 2013, 2,400 workers with 71 different job types participated in the localperformance competitions, which serve as preliminary competitions for the companywidecompetition. In total, over 100,000 workers have participated in the competitions. Their years of experience vary depending on their jobs, but many of them are core workers with approximately ten years of experience. Engineering and technical skills are passed on through the From-To system; who teaches whom is clearly defined. In this system, how skill gaps are filled in and the resulting management personnel system are linked together. The system succeeds in acceleratingthe passing on of skills. The mother factories mainly assist their overseas manufacturing bases on a one-toone basis. The Manufacturing Engineering Center and Human Resources Development Center are also significantly involved. Flexibly supporting overseas manufacturing bases is possible, partially thanks to sufficient core engineers and technicians whom the company has been training for many years. Training local workers and having sufficient local human resources will be required in the future; Japanese engineers and technicians will not be able to support overseas bases forever.

CiNii Articles
CiNii Books
  • ISSN : 1349-3051
  • CiNii Articles ID : 120005588287
  • CiNii Books ID : AA11961965
