Noriyuki Sugimoto
(杉本 典之)
Modified on: 2022/09/24
Profile Information
- Affiliation
- Professor,Dean of Graduate School of Business, Graduate School of Business, Department of Accountancy, Aichi Shukutoku University
- Degree
Doctor of Economics(Musashi University)Master of Economics(The University of Tokyo)
- 200901036522073116
- researchmap Member ID
- 1000004805
Research Interests
2Research Areas
1Research History
1981 - 2002
1981 - 2002
1972 - 1981
1972 - 1981
1968 - 1971
1967 - 1968
1967 - 1968
1966 - 1967
1966 - 1967
4Committee Memberships
1997 - 1999
Bulletin of Aichi Shukutoku University Faculty of Business, (3) 33-48, 2007
愛知淑徳大学論集-コミュニケーション学部篇-, 第2号,69-83ページ, 2002
Bulletin of Aichi Shukutoku University:Faculty of Communication Studies, №2 P.P.69-83, 2002
企業会計(中央経済社発行), 47(7) 71-78, 1995
Accounting (Published by Chuo Keizai-sha), 47(7) 71-78, 1995
会計(森山書店発行), 144(6) 96-108, 1993
"KAIKEI"(Accounting : The Moriyama Book Store), 144(6) 96-108, 1993
JICPAジャーナル, 4(10) 34-39, 1992
会計(森山書店発行), 142(3) 92-101, 1992
JICPA Journal, 4(10) 34-39, 1992
"KAIKEI"(Accounting : The Moriyama Book Store), 142(3) 92-101, 1992
東北大学経済学会研究年報『経済学』, 50(4) 1-17, 1989
The Keizai Gaku(Annual Report of the Economic Society, Tohoku University), 50(4) 1-17, 1989
企業会計(中央経済社発行), 37(10) 77-82, 1985
会計(森山書店発行), 128(4) 34-46, 1985
Accounting(published by Ch(]J1173[)(]J1155[) Keizai-sha), 37(10) 77-82, 1985
128(4) 34-46, 1985
会計(森山書店発行), 126(5) 21-34, 1984
Books and Other Publications
前田貞芳編『変貌する社会と会計』,森山書店, 1995
服部俊治・藤田昌也 編 『会計構造の諸問題』,九州大学出版会, 1995
東京経済情報出版, 1995
S. Maeda(ed.), Changing Society and Accounting , The Moriyama Book Store, 1995
T.Hattori & M.Fujita(eds.), The Problems of Accounting Structures, Kyusyu University Press, 1995
Tokyo Keizai-J(]E87C7[)h(]E87C7[)-Shuppan, 1995
同文舘出版(株), 1991
同文舘出版(株), 1989
同文舘出版(株), 1981