Noriaki Tanno
(丹野 憲昭)
Modified on: 2012/08/02
Profile Information
Research Interests
2Research Areas
2Research History
第48回香料・テルペンおよび精油化学に関する討論会講演要旨集, 222-224, 2004
熱帯農業, 48(Extra issue1), 27-28, 2004
Biologia Plantarum, 46(3) i-ii, 2003
17th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances Abstracts, 139, 2001
17th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances Abstracts, 105, 2001
17th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances Abstracts, 139, 2001
Proceedings of Plant Growth Regulation Society of America 27th Annual Meeting, 225-230, 2000
Proceedings of Plant Growlh Regulation Societg of America 27th Annual Meeting, 117-121, 2000
平成11年度東北大学大学院理学研究科附属植物園利用研究成果報告書, 19-22, 2000
Proceedings of Plant Growth Regulation Society of America 27th Annual Meeting, 225-230, 2000
(1) 75-83, 1998
(1) 71-74, 1998
Plant Growth Regulation, 22(2) 137-140, 1997
Proceedings of Plant Growth Regulation Society of America, 23rd Annual Meeting 93-98, 1996
Proceedings of Plant Growth Regulation Society of America, 23rd Annual Meeting 71-76, 1996
Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 59(5) 952-953, 1995
Zeitschrift f(]E88DB[)r Naturforschung, 50C 193-198, 1995
Plant Growth Regutalion, 16(2) 129-134, 1995
植物の化学調節, 29 39-54, 1994
Proceedings 21st. Annual Meeting Plant Growth Regulator Society of America., 190-195, 1994
Professional Memberships
Research Projects