Nobuaki Kondo
(近藤 信彰)
Modified on: 2024/06/29
Profile Information
- Affiliation
- Professor, Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
- Contact information
- n-kondo
- 200901091434164110
- researchmap Member ID
- 1000193593
Major Papers
Journal of Economic and Social History of Orient, 64(5/6) 615-639, 2021 Peer-reviewedInvitedLead author
Journal of Persianate Studies, 12 261-287, 2019 Peer-reviewedInvitedLead author
Books and Other Publications
Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, 2018 (ISBN: 9784863372849)
Routlege, Apr 7, 2017 (ISBN: 9780415711371)
Research Institutie for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Dec, 2015 (ISBN: 9784863372115)
Research Insttitute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Jul 15, 2015 (ISBN: 9784863372023)
アジア・アフリカ言語文化研究所, Mar 15, 2006
2023年度九州史学会大会, Dec 10, 2023, 九州史学会 Invited
Amir Hamza and Beyond: Historical Narratives and Romances across the Muslim World, Sep 1, 2023, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) “A Multidisciplinary Study on Formation, Transmission, and Reception of Persian Historical Romances” (Principal Investigator: Nobuaki KONDO (ILCAA) Project Number: 20H01250), Global Mediterranean at ILCAA
Qajar Round Table: Urban Landscapes in Qajar Iran Invited
Lecture at Institut Orientalistik, Bamberg University, Dec 1, 2022, Institut Orientalistik, Bamberg University Invited
日本オリエント学会第64回大会, 日本オリエント学会
13th Biennial Iranian Studies Conference, Association for Iranian Studies
Final Meeting for the Comparative Study of Donation “Strategy of Donation (Endowment): Its Purposes and Social Benefits in a Comparative Perspective” Invited
International Conference on Islamic Trust Studies: Conflict and Harmony between State and Market Invited
Inscribing Knowledge and Power in Islamic Societies: A Diachronic Study A Joint Exeter-Tokyo Seminar, University of Exeter Invited
Thiqa Project Kick-off Symposium, Thiqa project Invited
The Role of documents for historical studies Invited
日本オリエント学会第62回大会, 日本オリエント学会
Qajar Legal Sources Workshop, LAWALISI project (Law, Authority and Learning in Imami Shiite Islam), University of Exeter Invited
Association for Iranian Studies, Virtual Conference, Association for Iranian Studies Invited
シンポジウム「イラン式簿記術」とスィヤークの世界, 九州史学会 Invited
Discussing Problems of Japanese Iranologists Invited
世界遺産研究会, 世界遺産研究会 Invited
Special lecture, Shanghai International University Invited
Special Lecture, Fudan University, Department of History, Fudan University Invited
Consortium for Asian and African Studies (CAAS) the 10th Symposium “Cultural Expression in the Era of Globalization,, Consortium for Asian and African Studies (CAAS)