Apr, 1997 - Mar, 1998

Shu Kumoo
(雲尾 周)
Modified on: 2018/11/06
Research History
Researchers who have registered "Niigata University" with "Research History".
- Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental SciencesDivision of Digestive and General Surgery Specially Appointed Assitant Professor
- Niigata UniversityGraduate School of Science and Technology Specialized Course of Advanced Materials Science and Technology
- Niigata University of Health and WelfareUndergraduate School Faculty of Health Sciences Department of Health and Sports 講師
- Niigata UniversityInternational Exchange Center, Institute of Global Affairs Associate professor
- Rikkyo UniversityCenter for Foreign Language Education and Research Adjunct lecturer: German language
- Niigata UniversityDepartment of Medical Informatics, Medical and Dental Hospital Specially Appointed Lecturer
- Research Institute for Natural Hazards and Disaster Recovery, Niigata UniversitySpecially Appointed Associate Professor