ウィトマー ロバート (Witmer Robert)
更新日: 2018/05/02
- 学位
- 研究者番号
- 60296887
- 200901010476049508
- researchmap会員ID
- 5000064267
- 外部リンク
Director of the Sophia Writing Center, 2004-present. Beginning with a proposal that was accepted as part of the FCC/FLA COL (later GP) project, I established and continue to direct the Sophia Writing Center. Research trips to leading writing centers in the U.S. and a thorough review of writing center scholarship provided the necessary expertise for planning and managing the Sophia center. Ongoing research contributes to developing the center into an institution that serves both undergraduate and graduate writers over the full range of academic writing situations.
紀伊國屋 2004年3月 (ISBN: 4314101555)
紀伊国屋 2003年5月 (ISBN: 4314101547)
紀伊国屋 2002年6月 (ISBN: 4314101482)
紀伊国屋 2001年6月 (ISBN: 4314101466)
紀伊国屋 2000年3月 (ISBN: 4314101393)
2015年10月 - 2015年10月Nest Feathers: Selected Haiku from the First 15 Years of The Heron's Nest Editor: John Stevenson One poem: "nuclear disaster"
2015年10月 - 2015年10月Like the Pumpkins (Book Artist Limited Edition) Befuddled Press Book Artist: Scott Murphy Poem, "alone together"
2015年2月 - 2015年2月big data: The Red Moon Anthology of English-Language Haiku 2014 Edited by Jim Kacian & the Red Moon Editorial Staff Red Moon Press Winchester, VA, USA ISBN: 978-1-946848-36-2
2015年1月 - 2015年1月Teaching as a Human Experience: An Anthology of Contemporary Poems Editor(s): Karen J. Head, Patrick Blessinger Cambridge Scholars Publishing Newcastle upon Tyne, UK ISBN-13: 978-1-4438-7655-1 ISBN-10: 1-4438-7655-0 Date of Publication: 01/06/2015
2015年 - 2015年Robert Speiss Memorial 2015 Haiku Awards Two poems selected as Honorable Mention. Published in Modern Haiku, Issue 45.2, Summer 2015.
2015年 - 2015年Taj Mahal Review Ten poems Vol. 14, Number 1, June 2015 Cyberwit.net, India ISSN: 09726004
2015年 - 2015年Modern Haiku Portsmouth, RI, USA 46.3, Fall, 2015, two poems 46.2, Summer, 2015, one poem
2015年 - 2015年Modern Haiku 46.1, Winter-Spring 2015, Portsmouth, RI, USA Two poems One of these poems won Best Senryu Award, $50 prize
2015年 - 2015年Frogpond, The Journal of the Haiku Society of America, Volume 38, Number 1, Winter 2015 One poem Frogpond, The Journal of the Haiku Society of America, Volume 38, Number 2, Summer 2015 One poem Frogpond, The Journal of the Haiku Society of America, Volume 38, Number 3, Autumn 2015 One poem
2015年 - 2015年Acorn, Volume 35, Fall 2015 Editor: Susan Antolin Walnut Creek, CA, USA One poem
2015年 - 2015年Presence, Volume 52, June 2015, England, UK One poem Presence, Volume 53, Autumn 2015, England, UK Two poems
2015年 - 2015年bottle rockets, Number 32, February 2015, Windsor , CT, USA Two poems bottle rockets, Number 33, August 2015, Windsor , CT, USA Two poems
2015年 - 2015年The Heron’s Nest, Vol. XVIII, Number 1, March 2015 One poem The Heron’s Nest, Vol. XIX, Number 2, June 2015 One poem The Heron’s Nest, Vol. XX, Number 3, September 2015 One poem
2014年12月 - 2014年12月Taj Mahal Review Ten poems Vol. 13, Number 1, December 2014 Cyberwit.net, India ISSN: 09726004
2014年 - 2014年British Haiku Society Tanka Competition 2014 Honorable Mention Poems published in a volume titled Soft Thunder. Published by the British Haiku Society.
2014年 - 2014年Modern Haiku 45.2, Summer 2014, Portsmouth, RI, USA Two poems Modern Haiku 45.1, Winter-Spring 2014, Portsmouth, RI, USA Two poems
2014年 - 2014年Frogpond, The Journal of the Haiku Society of America, Volume 37, Number 2, Summer 2014 One poem Frogpond, The Journal of the Haiku Society of America, Volume 37, Number 3, Autumn 2014 One poem
2014年 - 2014年Acorn, Volume 32, Spring 2014 Editor: Susan Antolin Walnut Creek, CA, USA One poem Acorn, Volume 33, Fall 2014 Editor: Susan Antolin Walnut Creek, CA, USA One poem
2014年 - 2014年Presence, Volume 51, December 2014, England, UK One poem Presence, Volume 49, February 2014, England, UK Two poems Presence, Volume 50, August 2014, England, UK Two poems
2014年 - 2014年bottle rockets, Number 31, August 2014, Windsor , CT, USA Three poems bottle rockets, Number 30, February 2014, Windsor , CT, USA Three poems