
2012年9月 - 2014年8月

INTEGRATE: International Network of Generational Transfers Research

Economic and Social Research Council  International Partnership Network Grant  
  • Beverley Ann Searle


The ageing of populations is a global phenomenon. National governments are concerned about the financial implications of this. In particular, the extent to which states can provide services and support through public transfers of funds. This raises further concerns about the equity of transfers away from a declining younger generation toward a growing older generation. There are significant debates to be had around the level of taxes, availability of benefits, and age of retirement.

This however addresses only half of the issue, and ignores the private transfers that take place within families. The transfer of private wealth (and in-kind support) is increasingly important not only for the life chances of younger generations but also the protection of older ones. Younger people's opportunities are increasingly dependent upon the level of assistance they receive as they face key life events (such as education, starting a family and home ownership). Furthermore, as limited public resources are stretched, support from families has (once again) become an important aspect for older people as an insurance against poverty and increased care needs.

Much current works focuses on this 'generational conflict' - whether transfers happen, and which direction they operate: a public focus on upward transfers (from younger to older generations) or a private focus on downward transfers (from parents to children and grandchildren). But little research considers the implications of these transfers for the reproduction of inequalities and the welfare and wellbeing of future societies.

The issue of transfers across and within generations is thus an emerging and growing area of concern at national and international level, but much research has concentrated on single countries. Comparative research is developing, however, there are still restrictions due to data availability; a focus on western developed nations; and lack of funds/resources to build and develop connections with other scholars.

Institutional, policy and cultural differences exist across individual nations, however, the nature and need for inter- and intra-generational transfers is universal. This new network of researchers will bring together expertise in the field, share current knowledge and importantly identify key gaps in understanding. The INTEGRATE Network will have a specific purpose of developing international research, and maintaining international links for the continued sharing and exchange of data, research and knowledge.
