2016 - Present

(宋 新亜)
Modified on: 2024/04/02
Professional Memberships
Researchers belonging to "中国文芸研究会"
- Aichi Prefectural UniversitySchool of Foreign Studies, Department of Chinese Studies Assistant Professor(without tenure)
- Kwansei Gakuin UniversitySchool of Law and Politics, Graduate School of Language, Communication, and Culture 教授
- Kobe City University of Foreign StudiesFaculty of Foreign Studies Department of Chinese Studies 准教授
- Nara Women's UniversityGraduate School of Humanities and Sciences School of Comparative Culture
- Ehime UniversityFaculty of Law and Letters Humanities Ehime University Executive Director ・ Vice President
- Tohoku Gakuin UniversityFaculty of International Studies Department of International Studies 准教授
- Shanghai UniversitySchool of Foreign Language/ East Asia Research Center Associate Professor