

J024014 N-Backタスクを用いた触覚記憶容量の加齢効果に関する検討([J024-01]視覚聴覚と脳機能)

年次大会 : Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan
  • 國田 晃功
  • ,
  • 干 英花
  • ,
  • 楊 家家
  • ,
  • 高橋 智
  • ,
  • 呉 景龍

2013年9月8日 - 2013年9月8日

Working memory has important role in daily life and a lot of research was done in visual or auditory information. However, tactile working memory was unclear indeed. So we did research for tactile working memory capacity using n-back task for young and elder subjects. The experimental stimulus was raised shape of four directions 'V'. The subjects recognized these shapes by index finger. Next, subjects compared the current stimuli with the n times back stimuli. Subjects then responded whether the direction of a stimulus is the same or different. As a result, there was a significant difference between young and elder subjects in accuracy. We presume that these results depend on aging effect of a working memory capacity and decline of the recognition capability. The next step to find property is measurement of brain activity for tactile n-back task.