- 巻
- 93
- 号
- 開始ページ
- 1-YIA-18
- 終了ページ
- 記述言語
- 日本語
- 掲載種別
- 10.1254/jpssuppl.93.0_1-yia-18
- 出版者・発行元
- 公益社団法人 日本薬理学会
Molecular-targeted anticancer drugs elicit less toxicity than conventional reagents. Yet, patients often suffer from severe adverse effects. A reason is 'fixed dosage' administration of the drug to all the patients regardless of their body size and complications; because of this strategy, the plasma concentration seems to exceed the therapeutic window occasionally. Although frequent measurement of the drug level at a clinical site is a solution, currently available methods such as mass spectrometry are time and cost consuming. To overcome these shortcomings, in this study, we developed a procedure with an electrochemical sensor composed of a conductive diamond, which yields more stable reactions than conventional materials. When guinea-pig plasma mixed with pazopanib, a multi-kinase inhibitor, was tested, the sensor detected a clinically relevant concentration of 3 to 300 µM. Time and sample amount necessary for each series of the measurement was <1 min and 100 µL, respectively. The sensor was repeatedly usable with minimal impairment of the sensitivity, saving the cost for the assay. This rapid and easily-handed method may enable therapeutic drug monitoring and accelerate tailored medicine for cancer.
- リンク情報
- ID情報
- DOI : 10.1254/jpssuppl.93.0_1-yia-18
- eISSN : 2435-4953
- CiNii Articles ID : 130007811478
- CiNii Research ID : 1390565134836762240