タイトル | Evaluating the Effect of Light Intensity on Flower Development Uniformity in Strawberry (Fragaria 3ananassa) under Early Induction Conditions in Forcing Culture |
カテゴリ | 研究論文 |
概要 | Uniform flower development is crucial for the uniform production of mature fruit, and it is essential in the management and production of commercial strawberry (Fragaria 3ananassa) in greenhouses. Environmental factors such as temperature, light intensity, and photoperiod have been extensively evaluated to determine their roles in strawberry flower induction and growth; however, data on the role that lighting conditions play in the uniformity of flower development are still lacking. The aim of this study was to clarify the influence of light intensity on the uniformity of strawberry flower development in forcing culture. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate plants’ response to both shading and light-emitting diode (LED) treatments. Plant growth parameters (i.e., leaf area, dry matter, and number of leaves between inflorescences) and flower development data [i.e., time from flower beginning to full bloom (FB), time from transplanting to flowering (TB), and bud number (BN)] were recorded. As expected, flower development was enhanced when exposed to LED light and was delayed when shaded. Within each cultivar, a strong relationship between lighting environment anduniformityofflowerdevelopmentwasalsodetected.Inbothexperiments,TBandBN showed less variation when exposed to high light intensity compared with low intensity. This trend was true for other parameters as well, including dry matter, leaf area, and number of leaves between inflorescences. However, there were no significant differences inFBbetweentheshadingandLEDtreatments.Theresultsshowthatstrawberrygrowth and flower development were highly variable in a low light environment. In addition to light being an important factor in inflorescence initiation and high yield production, the results of this study also show that the amount of light supplied is an important factor in maintaining uniform flowering in forcing culture. |
タイトル | Determining the Relationship between Floral Initiation and Source–Sink Dynamics of Tomato SeedlingsAffected by Changes in Shading and Nutrients |
カテゴリ | 研究論文 |
概要 | Floral initiation is an important transition point from vegetative growth to reproductivegrowthintomatoesandisknowntobeaffectedbylightintensity,temperature, and nutrients. However, the regulation between flower formation and environmental factors, including nutrient conditions, due to source–sink dynamics (supply and demand of photoassimilates) is seldom documented. To evaluate the effects of light intensity and nutritionconditionsonprefloralformationanddevelopment,dynamicfloralcharacteristics during development were fitted with sigmoidal logistic curves under four light treatments withshadingnetsintwonutrientconditions.Sourceactivityandsinkstrengthwerealtered, whichcauseddifferencesinthefloralpositions,lengthoffloralshoots,floralinitiationdates, and leaf numbers under the different treatments. Accumulated light acts upstream of nutrition supply during the formation of buds and leads to the accumulation of carbohydratesinsourceorgans.Leafareareached’ ’500cm2,anddrymatterweightsreached’ ’3g in each treatment until the flowering day, revealing that some level of photoassimilates are necessary for floral initiation. Both days to flowering and bud number were highly correlated with daily light integral (DLI) from 6 to 12 days before anthesis, which means this period is important for anthesis in tomato. Our results highlight regulation of the transition from vegetative growth to reproductive growth by tomato seedlings due to environmental factors and nutrients. A better understanding of communication between source organs and sink organs during floral initiation response todifferent environments is expected to provide management strategies for greenhouse tomato production. |