ワイアット アレクサンダー
ワイアット アレクザンダー (Alexander Wyatt)
更新日: 01/31
- 所属
- 香港科学技術大学 海洋科学科 助教授 (準監督)
- 学位
Ph.D.(The University of Western Australia)B.Eng. (Hons)(The University of Western Australia)B.Sc. (Hons)(The University of Western Australia)
- 通称等の別名
- Alex S.J. Wyatt
- 201401039488102402
- researchmap会員ID
- B000242211
- 外部リンク
Alex is a marine biologist and oceanographic engineer by training, with multi-disciplinary research interests at the interface between marine ecology and oceanography. He received Honours degrees in both Science and Engineering (Marine Biology and Ocean Systems Engineering) and a Ph.D. (Oceanography and Marine Ecology) from The University of Western Australia. As a Fulbright Scholar, and then Postdoctoral Scholar, at Scripps Insitution of Oceanography, San Diego, and in his current position as a Research Fellow in the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute at The University of Tokyo, Dr Wyatt’s novel integration of oceanography, isotope ecology and engineering has begun to shed new light on the biogeochemical function, diet shifts, and foraging specializations of globally threatened marine ecosystems and species.
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 若手研究 2019年4月 - 2020年3月
日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 挑戦的萌芽研究 2015年4月 - 2016年3月