Evolution of an assembly factor-based subunit contributed to a novel NDH-PSI supercomplex formation in chloroplasts
Nature Communications
- ,
- ,
- 巻
- 12
- 号
- 1
- 開始ページ
- 3685
- 終了ページ
- 記述言語
- 掲載種別
- 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 10.1038/s41467-021-24065-0
- 出版者・発行元
- Springer Science and Business Media LLC
<title>Abstract</title>Chloroplast NADH dehydrogenase-like (NDH) complex is structurally related to mitochondrial Complex I and forms a supercomplex with two copies of Photosystem I (the NDH-PSI supercomplex) via linker proteins Lhca5 and Lhca6. The latter was acquired relatively recently in a common ancestor of angiosperms. Here we show that NDH-dependent Cyclic Electron Flow 5 (NDF5) is an NDH assembly factor in Arabidopsis. NDF5 initiates the assembly of NDH subunits (PnsB2 and PnsB3) and Lhca6, suggesting that they form a contact site with Lhca6. Our analysis of the <italic>NDF5</italic> ortholog in Physcomitrella and angiosperm genomes reveals the subunit PnsB2 to be newly acquired via tandem gene duplication of <italic>NDF5</italic> at some point in the evolution of angiosperms. Another Lhca6 contact subunit, PnsB3, has evolved from a protein unrelated to NDH. The structure of the largest photosynthetic electron transport chain complex has become more complicated by acquiring novel subunits and supercomplex formation with PSI.
- リンク情報
- ID情報
- DOI : 10.1038/s41467-021-24065-0
- eISSN : 2041-1723