Research Projects

Apr, 2016 - Mar, 2021

Integrated analysis of mineral transport system in crops

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research  Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research

Grant number
Japan Grant Number (JGN)
Grant amount
536,250,000 Japanese Yen
(Direct funding)
412,500,000 Japanese Yen
(Indirect funding)
123,750,000 Japanese Yen

We have identified more than 30 transporter genes related to uptake, translocation and distribution of mineral elements including essential, beneficial and toxic elements mainly in rice and buckwheat. We further revealed the mechanisms for response of these transporters to environmental changes, regulation of transporters and their roles in plant growth and productivity by using different approaches. For the first time, we succeeded to crystalize the silicon transporter Lsi1 and revealed its crystal structure. We also constructed a mathematical model for mineral element transport at whole plant scales. These achievements have been published in many international top journals including Nature.

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ID information
  • Grant number : 16H06296
  • Japan Grant Number (JGN) : JP16H06296