

Scramjet performance achieved in engine tests from M4 to M8 flight conditions

12th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies
  • Tohru Mitani
  • ,
  • Sadatake Tomioka
  • ,
  • Takeshi Kanda
  • ,
  • Nobuo Chinzei
  • ,
  • Toshinori Kouchi

Event date
2003 - 2003

Thrust performances of scramjet engines were compared with theoretical values to quantify the progress in engine performances (defined as "achievement factors", or "factors") from Mach (termed as "M") 4 to M8 flight conditions. An engine with a ramp produced a net thrust of 215 N under the M8 tests and a comparison of a theoretical thrust yielded a thrust achievement factor of 51%. By excluding boundary layer, an engine with a thick strut delivered a net thrust of 560 N and showed a thrust factor of 92% and a net thrust factor of 45%. The thrusts were limited by flow separation caused by engine combustion (termed as "engine unstart"). The starting characteristics was improved by boundary layer controls in M6 and M4 conditions. An engine with a thin strut doubled the thrust from 1620 N to 2460 N by the boundary layer bleeding in the M6 tests. The improved thrust factor was 60% at the stoichiometric H2 condition. Under M4 tests, the net thrust was tripled by the bleed and a two-staged injection of H2. As results, the thrust factor was raised from 53% to 70%, the net thrust factor was increased from 32% to 55%. Studies required for improving the net performance was addressed. © 2003 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.

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